Author Topic: TBM forums  (Read 44759 times)

Does this go here or in offtopic?

Anyways I was bored so I thought I should go see how some of the old mods from blockland are doing, and this is what I found for TBM on their forums. (tbm is the better mod, a old mod for blockland)


Are TBM posts still bannable?

TBM... Eww!


I browsed the forum and it's like the slums of Blockland. Absolutely despicable.

There's topics about ****ing Blockland and, quote, "getting rid of that demo stuff so we can play".

Honestly, if they're so special interest about Old Blockland, why in the forget do they even think about wanting Retail?

For those who don't know why we hate TBM:
The details of the TBM exploit have been uncovered by Harold "LabRat" Brown of the Torque community.
For complete information, see this thread.

Basically, TBM detects AiO installations and compromises them so that anyone can connect to the compromised server and then proceed to upload and execute any script they want. There are a number of things a malevolent person could do to a compromised server including overwriting all of the script files, effectively removing the entire game.

If you have installed TBM at any point in the past, I am forced to recommend that you delete your Blockland directory and re-install the game.
~Badspot, 7/16/2005
Do NOT use TBM

Rumors have surfaced recently that the makers of TBM have developed scripts that will damage a users Blockland directory if they attempt to use TBM code or models in a way that they don't approve of. I questioned Rob and MCP (aka Kier) of the TBM crew about this on IRC and they admitted to developing such a script. I questioned them separately about other hacking incidents involving TBM, which they both admitted to, but they tried to pin the blame on each other. These people cannot be trusted and their mod, TBM, should be considered a security risk.

MCP has shown a tendency towards spite, vengeance and hacker ethics. I recommend you delete TBM and its auto-updater immediately.
~Badspot, 7/14/2005

They were starfishs.

Source: Blockland News Achieves

Jesus those guys are handicapped

I still think badspot shoulda made it so he could shut down blockland 0002's master server

They even have a topic about furry research

They even have a topic about furry research
if I took a look at that, my stomache juices would paint the inside of my toilet in a series of screaming and loud noises.

They're just a bunch of forgets who think they know how Torque and its master server works.

Just leave 'em be, the forums appear to be really old and unused, so my guess is they all gave up.

EDIT: Oh, guess I was wrong. Turns out they're trying to figure out how to pirate Blockland v11 or just waiting on someone to do it. Proof otherwise.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 03:20:31 AM by Gen. Nick »

They're just a bunch of forgets who think they know how Torque and its master server works.

Just leave 'em be, the forums appear to be really old and unused, so my guess is they all gave up.

EDIT: Oh, guess I was wrong. Turns out they're trying to figure out how to pirate Blockland v11 or just waiting on someone to do it. Proof otherwise.
fuvk you retail stupit fucen jews!!!! retal is forgeten handicapped!!!!!!and so are you !

Interesting, I didn't know Dshiznit picked it back up again. Oh well, from what I can tell all the people that made it a fun mod aren't there anymore.

Jookia was a yes-man pet on that forum. And wanted to help them develop TBG (the better game) in response and in revenge to retail blockland.

How is progross jookia?

Seems their running out of datablocks. :cookieMonster: Anyone told them they can put a datablock into another datablock yet?

On my copy of the first version of blockland, I tried joining a TBM server and it said something about it having 300+ bricks and bragging about it...

Interesting, I didn't know Dshiznit picked it back up again. Oh well, from what I can tell all the people that made it a fun mod aren't there anymore.

Its like after the old members left, the wannabe's and scrubs think they can recreate a mod.

Its not going so well, lol.