Author Topic: TBM forums  (Read 40383 times)
Haha oh wow
They are actually discussing hosting with the old key faker trick
Already been discussed :[

Thanks, its certainly was unexpected.
Seems this elrune character is a real essay fan, ill hotlink the second essay he wrote against our troll.

That surprises me.

Quoted from the furcigarette moderator him/herself;
also, Wedge, if thats who you really can kiss the backside of my furry leopardian ass.

Quoted from the furcigarette moderator him/herself; it*

As tempting as the offer is, I'm not interested in acquiring herpes.

I had their wiki page deleted

Haha, I wonder how the drama will play out on their forums.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2009, 10:27:14 PM by Wedge »

Haha, I wonder how the drama will play out on their forums.
Thanks at the original post : )
Anyway, I read there old(?) website and its loaded with propaganda. I find it funny
However, over the months these people began to see the truth behind TBM and its creators/players. People like, Thermoman, Bjway Bandit, and even the RtB dev Ephi changed their beliefs about TBM. Many of these ones TBM-haters became TBM-lovers smile.gif . And today we sit, poised between a mod we love and the bitter creator of blockland. Why are we still fighting for our right to be here? Hasn't Badspot made it clear he doesn't want us? So why not just leave the community? Well, the answer is, how else can we play Blockland w/o first using a program we call "blockland.exe". The creator of this program, is, of all the cruel and evil people- Badspot. So therein lies the problem. And i have finally come up with a solution. I'm sure you all have heard about this thing called "TBG". We like to use it to describe a world w/o Badspot and blockland, a world where we can finally play a building game without limits. Now, until now, no one had successfully created this "TBG". Ephi had tried in the past, but gave up on the idea for unknown reasons. Anyways, i hope i can encourage you all at least to see that there is a future for TBG/TBM...and this is it...

? Google returns nothing of interest.

Anyway, I read there old(?) website and its loaded with propaganda. I find it funny

It begs the question, why don't they just loving make their own building game? Oh wait i know!

? Google returns nothing of interest.

It's his fursona. He thinks he's a leopard trapped inside a human body, it's ridiculous but that's basically what he's implying by that.

Also before any of you jump the gun and go flame him for being a gay furry keep in mind that if you do other furries from that community will likely jump in to his defense like the loving crusade so unless you have a hearty constitution I'd advise against it. You guys aren't ready to deal with full blown furries, they're on another level of friendry.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2009, 12:02:10 AM by Muffinmix »

Ugh, furries and TBM. Didn't expect it to be this tasteless.

Assassination plans! Woop! And a side promise to forget with "some mysterious group" as usual.

On a side note, Lord Tony found them

Elrune must be the most bored person on the entire loving planet to sit down and pick at every small scrape of wrong in a post like that.

If one of Eric's staff check's the package, we're forgeted.

When did badspot get staff? Unless he means his mom.

So what they are saying is that they are planning to bomb his P.O Box?