Author Topic: Guns akimbo code.  (Read 2006 times)

ok, i was looking at scripts for add-ons, (cuz i wanna make one(and i was looking for ideas)) and i found this.

Code: [Select]
//we need the gun add-on for this, so force it to load
%error = ForceRequiredAddOn("Weapon_Gun");

if(%error == $Error::AddOn_Disabled)
   //A bit of a hack:
   //  we just forced the gun to load, but the user had it disabled
   //  so lets make it so they can't select it
   GunItem.uiName = "";

if(%error == $Error::AddOn_NotFound)
   //we don't have the gun, so we're screwed
   error("ERROR: Weapon_GunsAkimbo - required add-on Weapon_Gun not found");

lets look closer...

Code: [Select]
if(%error == $Error::AddOn_NotFound)
   //we don't have the gun, so we're screwed

i lol'd

we don't have the gun, so we're screwed

we don't have the gun, so we're screwed
We don't have the gun, so we're screwed.

we don't have the gun, so we're screwed

badspot has a sence of humor =D

lolol is that cocaine?

lolol is that cocaine?
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« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 10:23:40 AM by Jimmg »

In RTB's scripts, I've found a few spots with //Cheeky!