Author Topic: Variable Input Event  (Read 644 times)

Variable Input Event: inputVar

Someone should make a variable input event. Kinda like you put in some numbers and press 'OK' or 'cancel'

Key Features:

- Small GUI. A bit smaller than the prompt events. I like the effort put into the GUI. Its simple.

- The GUI contains one window, a textbox, and ok / cancel button.

- After the client has inputed a number, it is then assigned to a variable indicated in the events.

Get it? It'll be quite helpful. Also, I hope it wouldn't be just limited to numerical variables, but also to strings.

Like, you can type "Hamburger", then "Hamburger" is assigned to a variable.

This idea is completely essential, since the current variable events lack this.

What do you think? I think this can also be improved
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 08:40:17 AM by jaydee0004 »

possible but it'd require people to download either the mod+GUIs or RTB (when the GUI downloader is added) to use it, which makes it annoying/useless in public servers

Unless a chat command is associated with it and the GUI is just there for convenience.

Sure, I'll add it to v5 (which will be released after RTB v3)
Also while on this subject, can you guys go to the topic and tell me what you think about the sub system idea?

Sure, I'll add it to v5 (which will be released after RTB v3)

Yay! :D