Author Topic: Build Stealers  (Read 4093 times)

Ace built the Gemini.

this guy stole my build and i built an even more epic version of it making the stolen one look like complete noob crap

Solutions: Build on passworded servers with people you trust, post finished build in gallery for proof, Clear your build if you were building on a public server and plan on leaving, ban all kown build stealers.
Known build stealers:
Jungle Ranger
Whiney 12 year olds


Funny, when I was making my Left 4 Block build, he joined, and one of the guys on there said, "Oh no, not him!  Ban him, ban him now!"

So, I did.  And my build was safe.

Luckily this isn't as big of a deal as it was a few years ago.

Although Barnabas and I have had some problems with people "borrowing" our car designs and smaller objects we use to fill up our town builds. It's nothing awful, I'd really appreciate it if someone asked. I'd let them use it too.

Known build stealers:
Whiney 12 year olds

Aw man, is Whiney 12 year olds back? He's so annoying.

It resembles the DoT ship, Hyperon, looks as if it could be but I cant tell at that close of a point.
here is another

No thats probably Aces.

Oh, you mean like Khorde's RPG thing with the Castle that AzDude stole? When I was admin on Tracy Anderson's server I found Khorde's name and the credits...Then she told me to destroy it...

Hahaha, I love how I make so many builds, yet they all have my name planted everywhere.

If I find a cool build somewhere I'll usually save it just so I can mess around in it later or glean a few new building methods from it, but my use is strictly personal.  I'd be pretty pissed if I found someone hosting a server with one of my builds claiming it to be theirs so I do my best to not do that to others.

Coincidentally one of the best ways of dissuading potential build stealers is to say something along the lines of: "I'm still not done with this yet, but when I am done I'll be sure to post it in the Gallery with a save."  As long as they're reasonable this works pretty well.

here is another

F*** I can't even count how many times Ace's ship has been stolen.

I recently started counting a month ago. I'm up to 3 now.

Hahaha, I love how I make so many builds, yet they all have my name planted everywhere.
I also love the fact Rykuta took my Demo House from that 'Post your best build' topic.
loving baby.

Rykuta stole my jeep challange once, but i still use it, he said he stop build stealing, idk but i know we need a mod that only listed users can save

Rykuta stole my jeep challange once, but i still use it, he said he stop build stealing, idk but i know we need a mod that only listed users can save
For some reason, Badspot is against mods that would do this.

Devios assassin stole archons Gravity jeep racetrack.
over 40k Bricks