Author Topic: My Cat  (Read 1167 times)

About a year or so ago we got a puppy from a shelter. The dog loves playing with the cat, the cat hates the puppy. We hoped that dog and cat would learn to love each other, but that's not the case. Now my cat is stuck on one of our counters to stay away from the dog. Also, half my family is very allergic to the cat. We've asked friends and neighbors if they want a cat, but none of them want our little kitty. Now, the human society operates a shelter near here, its no kill, and each little room for an animal is really nice, it looks like someone's living room. Their also very careful about who adopts the animals. I don't want the kitty to go through this sad little existence, living on the countertop. What should I do?

My cat still hates my dog, though he has built up a slight tolerance, from hissing from accross the room down to only growling when he gets close(Though he still hisses if the dog gets too close). You should try to teach the dog to not bother the cat. A cat that has gone awhile as an only-pet is unlikely to ever have a pleasent relationship with a new pet.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2009, 10:58:36 PM by -Jetz- »


put it on craigslist.  Thats how my friend got his dog

I want to ensure my cat gets the best family possible. I don't think craigs list will cut it.

Ditch it on some island.

Come back 30 years and find out it was actually male and it's now a skeleton next to a rock.

Sell the cat to the Russian mafia!!

I wonder if cats taste good...

Let's ask the mafia!