Author Topic: Dual Uzi  (Read 968 times)

I'm trying to make these Dual Uzis do burst fire, and I got one of them to do so, but now when I tried to edit the second uzi to fire, it won't load.

I looked in the console and this is what it says:
Code: [Select]
dd-Ons/Weapon_DualUzi/Weapon_DualUzi.cs Line: 224 - Syntax error.
>>> Some error context, with ## on sides of error halt:
^stateAllowImageChange[8] = false;

^stateTransitionOnTriggerUp[8] = "FireLeftUzi";

^stateSequence[8] = "ready";

^stateName[9] = "FireLeftUzi";

^stateTimeoutValue[9] = 0.09;

^stateScript[9] = "onFireLeftUzi";

^stateTransitionOnTimeOut[9] = "ready";

function ##D##ualUziImage::onFireLeftUzi(%this,%obj,%slot)




datablock ShapeBaseImageData(LeftUziImage)


   // Basic Item properties

   shapeFile = "Add-Ons/Weapon_Uzi/Uzi.dts";

   emap = true;

   // Specify mount point & offset for 3rd person, and eye offset
>>> Error report complete.

It put hashes next to the D in DualUziImage.
It was fine before I tried to make it burst.

Where is the ending close bracket for the first Uzi (right hand) datablock?

I probably need that.