Author Topic: Seriously is the Search forgeted?  (Read 953 times)

When I use the search button and I choose it to search in Gallery, it searchs everywhere. What the hell is it doing, I didn't divide it by zero. >:(

It usually helps to check off either "Show results as messages" or "Search in topic subjects only".

Search is really screwed up. I don't know why.

I might be wrong, but, back when the Blockland forums were instead of, it seemed to work, maybe something went wrong during the change?

I know these forums still use SMF, but the web address has changed a tad, so either something went wrong during that change, or something...

He updated the software at the same time I believe. But yes, search needs to be shot, its impossible to use now :(

It's weird, sometimes when I use it, it works for me, and sometimes it doesn't.

I guess we can't get say "lern2search" now :(

I guess we can't get say "lern2search" now :(

It's just not the same :(

Setting it to search by specific forum doesn't work.

Setting it to search for posts by me returns a million topics I've never even posted in, ever.

Setting it to search for something I knew was mentioned recently, ordered by "most recent posts first" returns topics from several years ago.

Proper inputs and filters don't work either.

"Lern2CodeYourOwnSearchSoftwar eToFindMiscellaneousTopicsOnB lockland"

I have only ever needed to use a subject and the topic filter.