Author Topic: YouTube spam is worsening...  (Read 1530 times)

How do people actually fall for these?

Discuss and post some more handicapped ones you find, I guess.

I like the mark as spam system they have now, but from what I've seen youtube comments are not worth reading unless it's something technical like a video tutorial or something like that.  But yeah I agree with you it's seems like its getting worse.

I see them all too often. People are way too gullible now, it's probably a bunch of 10-year-olds thinking, "OMG! My mom's gonna magically die if I don't spam this comment in 100 videos!"

Also, speaking of YouTube friendry, check this out.

Also, speaking of YouTube friendry, check this out.

I think I just vomited a little.

You should have. Fangirls need to be shot.

Haha, I found this in my photobucket account:

(sorry it's a jpeg)

Haha, I found this in my photobucket account:
wow, lol

Has anyone seen the Clown Killer spam one?
That actually scared me.


Don't read this D: :

You will get ass-forgeted by a clown with an umbrella tommorrow. You can't cop/ and paste this enough to make it stop, so have fun :D