Author Topic: Box Train Vehicle V2  (Read 27087 times)

You could have at least made your own model/got a new model.
Other than that.. its pretty neat.
if he make another version then he might, i kinda like it, i didsomethen like this with my real legos

kinda cool... downloading :)

I keep on having trouble with derailments. I found that if the vehicle hits any sort of obstacle, it will slightly list in positioning, leading to a de-railment. So I have learned to start going slower ^,^;

Btw, How do you use the horn? All I could find was the bell

I've done improvements on the subway/wheel, the old ones had tearing and bad smooth shading all over, this improve one looks much more retail suiting. Kalphiter you should update the RTB upload with these new models.
The model hasn't "changed" so don't worry about that.

Er.. can it turn, like go to the left or right? :cookie:

I keep on having trouble with derailments. I found that if the vehicle hits any sort of obstacle, it will slightly list in positioning, leading to a de-railment. So I have learned to start going slower ^,^;

Btw, How do you use the horn? All I could find was the bell

I've done improvements on the subway/wheel, the old ones had tearing and bad smooth shading all over, this improve one looks much more retail suiting. Kalphiter you should update the RTB upload with these new models.
The model hasn't "changed" so don't worry about that.
Which files have you changed? Would it be safe just to replace all files?

Did you ask Packer
Yes, as you see Packer doesn't have problems with it.

yeah  i knew you were going to release it!

I keep on having trouble with derailments. I found that if the vehicle hits any sort of obstacle, it will slightly list in positioning, leading to a de-railment. So I have learned to start going slower ^,^;
you might be hitting one of the keys that makes you turn, i go 134bps and i dont crass unless i push on of them

It comes with the speedometer?

I suggested the bottomprint :(
Anyway, I like it, but you can still turn, which can throw you off tracks easily.

I suggested the bottomprint :(
Anyway, I like it, but you can still turn, which can throw you off tracks easily.
Well if you don't touch A or D then why worry?

Its super easy to derail and super hard to get back on the tracks
Make the train Heaver and cant turn.