Author Topic: Box Train Vehicle V2  (Read 27084 times)

Looks cool, Could be useful for RPGs that have different towns far away.

looks cool downloading

Which files have you changed? Would it be safe just to replace all files?
If you've done some modifying to the scripts/whatever just replace the subway.dts and subwaytire.dts, which is what I highly suggest and done.

What is the train track in the picture the best track there is?

Also i disagree on what you said about easy to get back on track, I find it relatively impossible without respawning the vehicle.  But respawning the vehicle is very easy, so I guess you are right.

In my opinion its great, I remember this a long time ago.

once you derail you cant get back on ,i ben studing it and i tried and cant, also you can drive up ramps without derailing, but i still need to do more studys on this

once you derail you cant get back on ,i ben studing it and i tried and cant, also you can drive up ramps without derailing, but i still need to do more studys on this
I know, that getting back on the tracks easily is lies.

Is there a way to make these trains connect so you could have a bunch of them, kalphiter?  That would be amazingly epic.

I'm using this very sting in a DM I'm using and it works perfects. The thing I made turns all 5 corners with ease.
how 2 do it?

AddDamgeType() - SubwayExplosion file "add-ons/ci/carExplosion.png" does not exist!

I got that error when my server started

Am I running an old version or something?

AddDamgeType() - SubwayExplosion file "add-ons/ci/carExplosion.png" does not exist!

I got that error when my server started

Am I running an old version or something?
Happens for everyone.

how do you make it to where the train can go around corners?

maybe its possible that someone makes rail road track bricks that help the vehicle turn? mabye?
.... cookies!!!!  :cookie: :cookie:  :cookie: :cookie:

just found out how to make train tracks go up, you have to use 1x2 for good but can go more than 20bps

AddDamgeType() - SubwayExplosion file "add-ons/ci/carExplosion.png" does not exist!

I got that error when my server started

Am I running an old version or something?

better than mine. that happened to almost every new add on I downloaded since last December. and no I was not part of the forum back then.