Author Topic: Sheesh, why do people in blockland kick me out because i'm NEW!?  (Read 4726 times)

For the past few days of playing blockland, I've been kicked out of some areas for mostly the same reason:  Your a newbie and you wll ruin the game.  What gives!?  There was only ONE reasonable kick i've gotten, and the reason? Server was full and a friend wanted to join in.  But he had to choose the HIGHEST blockland ID in the game, which is me, and i get kicked out.

Why do people constantly say that new guys will ruin everything for them?  Maybe there are some people who want to learn how to build better or be better at wrench events, but kicking them isn't teaching them anything! >:O  Are most people like this?

and there's an EVENT which blocks out people whose ID is over 10,000.  The only word i can say for this is...discrimination...

Don't join crap servers.

I bet your the same mothimas I knew from Roblox.
If you are.. I'm LuigiFan. Coel, Alpha, Bouyer, Magpie, and a few other SB PRI guys play, too.

Any server that blocks 10k IDs isn't worth going to. If you want to be accepted, you just have to show it through example. For example, Kiwibear gave me admin after just a few days of being in his server because he felt I was mature and wouldn't abuse it, now we're pretty good friends.

Because most the people around your ID is complete idiots. Although if you were kicked, they are an idiot too, they could've raised the player limit.

and there's an EVENT which blocks out people whose ID is over 10,000.

I'm not sure that's possible for an event to do.

I'm not sure that's possible for an event to do.
I think he means mod. But can't you event something that bans ids automaticaly? Maybe a console command?
Or the event
Or a console command that deletes the clients of id 10000+?

Don't follow this. It will cause an infinite loop in the first touching player's client. I would know...

There was a time when ids over 200 were discriminated against.  Just wait a year and people near your id range will be doing the same thing to even newer people.

You're joining servers that are run by nostalgic people. Basically, the people who go "NEW PEOPLE RUIN OUR GAME" even though they themselves are actually ruining the game by blocking new people.

Simply, just ignore those servers. Those servers are usually the servers run by immature 7 year olds who can't help but try to feel better about themselves.

You say there was only one reasonable ban? An example of an unreasonable ban:

You join a server.
Someone: Hey, guys, look. An ID over 10,000.
Another Person: LOL NOOB! [ironic]
Admin has kicked You: ID Whatever.

If that's mostly what they are then those servers are crap.

People with high ID's have earned a reputation of being noobish and annoying. I only kick new people off of my server if they piss me off.Please, no. Not the hammer again! PLEASE!!! NOOOOO!!!


and there's an EVENT which blocks out people whose ID is over 10,000.  The only word i can say for this is...discrimination...
I'm glad my ID is less than 10,000. (barely)

If you do see these kinds of people, write their name and ID down if you can.

If you do see these kinds of people, write their name and ID down if you can.
Haha, yes so we can ban these 7 year old bastards.

Haha, yes so we can ban these 7 year old bastards.
Actually, Badspot does sometimes surf servers to find people discriminating on IDs.