Author Topic: Long Range Missile  (Read 27307 times)

Actually the ones from the rocket launcher have a limited distance.
And by Long Range Missle, he means the kind that people in real life call long range missles, the ones that go for perhaps hundreds of miles.

oh thanks

Sweet good for war RPG's

Not really, didn't you hear? It is a giant exploding missle that destroys tanks. In an RPG, you want to have the weaker weapons, otherwise you turn it into a DM

Sweet good for builds

any add-on that is good is good for builds -.-

When I saw this, this is what I was imagining....

Two cities, one continent, both were constantly fighting for power and supreme ownership of the continent. One day in a small lab two miles from the heart of one of the cities, an innovation had occured. They had just taken a small missile launcher ammo and they created a huge version that could be launched out of the top of one of those skyscrapers in the city. So they presented its powers to the government of the city and they sold it to them for $5,000,000,000. Then the military went and shot the other city, destroying it completely which now allowed that one city to take over the continent. The End

Anyways good job...

Well I started working on the vehicle, so far this is what I have for the turret

I'm planning on also making some treds for the actual vehicle, possibly using IFLs (animated mesh texture sequences) to make it seem like the treds are moving. That's an aside though, since the main issue will be getting a missile to shoot out of each of those slots, one after the other. I have no idea how this could be done, and I'll keep it in the back of my mind while I study.

Now I need a good few weeks of complete isolation from the computer. I'll give you guys an update once exams are done with.

wow that looks great!

Good job on the missile too.

Good luck on exams and the vehicle!

This has loads of errors.

I love the emitter :D, and the turret is looking good.

Cant you just use states to fire six seperate shots from different vectors?

EDIT: How impolite of me... Good luck on your tests dude
« Last Edit: April 15, 2009, 11:49:48 AM by jetfire »

Can you make a vertical version for display? Make it an emmiter or something?

Awesome looks nice ill download