Author Topic: (Tutorial) How To Port Forward On a Mac  (Read 61283 times)

How DO you open Airport utility anyway?????

How DO you open Airport utility anyway?????
there are two ways to open it.
1. go to spotlight in the top right hand corner of your screen(it looks like a magnifying glass)
1.2 type in it "airport utility" click it(it should be in the top hit
1.3 click that and your in it
2. go to finder and type airport utility
2.2 you should find it there if not go to spotlight or your stuffed

Thank you! You are awesome! All us mac users will honor you forever.

Thank you! You are awesome! All us mac users will honor you forever.
*bows down* *says uncomprehensible words in a random language (probably japanese)* Arigato.....

Thank you! You are awesome! All us mac users will honor you forever.
right back at ya!

I have an Airport extreme, but its bridged to a Siemens Gigaset SE567. Would this still work?

I have an Airport extreme, but its bridged to a Siemens Gigaset SE567. Would this still work?
first, airport extreme i dont think i've ever heard of that. secondly we do not want to know what you router connection name is, it has no use to us. would this still work, by bridged i think you mean connected not by or by router like me. if you have a mac and you are bridging a connectino to an airport extreme it should work, if not ask someone else.

first, airport extreme i dont think i've ever heard of that.
An Airport extreme is what this guide is used for.

I have an Airport extreme, but its bridged to a Siemens Gigaset SE567. Would this still work?
I would suggest forwarding as mentioned in OP for the Airport. I am not quite sure about the Siemens Gigaset SE567, is it a WAP, Switch or Router or other?

ok i have made it to the step where i need to go into port mapping but when i get there the only options are statistics, mobile me and IPv6 and port mapping isn't there! and the Siemens Gigaset SE567 is a router.

Does this work on Snow Leopard?

Ok, so I've followed the steps exactly, and it is the same version of airport because the pictures look exactly the same to what I am seeing, but it still isn't working. Is there more I need to do? Would I possibly have a firewall blocking the connection?

Ok, so I've followed the steps exactly, and it is the same version of airport because the pictures look exactly the same to what I am seeing, but it still isn't working. Is there more I need to do? Would I possibly have a firewall blocking the connection?
errr... I'm not sure if I'm right but it works when i do it for LAN servers, if you open blockland go to start a game then click advanced config then at the very top it should say port and a box that has the number 28000. i think you have to change that to 28032.

errr... I'm not sure if I'm right but it works when i do it for LAN servers, if you open blockland go to start a game then click advanced config then at the very top it should say port and a box that has the number 28000. i think you have to change that to 28032.

I appreciate the help, but it didn't work. I guess I'll still have to work around with it.

if you open blockland go to start a game then click advanced config then at the very top it should say port and a box that has the number 28000. i think you have to change that to 28032.
Don't do this unless you have port 28032 forwarded.

I suggest if you have any active protection programs (firewall, active component of things like Comodo) running, I would say create an "exception" for Blockland