Author Topic: Typing symbols on Blockland.  (Read 1103 times)

Does anybody here know how to type things like: ß, á, ½ or ® inside the game?

I have seen many people with letters and symbols like that inside their name and I was wondering
how they did it.

I beleve this goes in help, however, if I have posted in the wrong place, please could it
get moved.

type it somewhere else and hilight, ctrl c, click in blockland where you want it and press ctrl v, i'm not sure if you can use alt codes

i think you just have to hold down the option key while typing

Thanks, this has been very helpfull, am testing it now.

Just tried it, I copied the word that I wanted with the symbols, then pressed ctrl V while on
blockland and it came up with: ????

Alt a/e/i/o/u usually gives me the accented versions of those letters in chat.

Just tried it, I copied the word that I wanted with the symbols, then pressed ctrl V while on
blockland and it came up with: ????
Means Torque isn't capable of displaying the characters you used. There was a chart some time ago that showed the ones you're allowed to use.

Means Torque isn't capable of displaying the characters you used. There was a chart some time ago that showed the ones you're allowed to use.
Any links?

Would be a great help.

Thanks guys, problem solved.
