Author Topic: Ping: ???  (Read 811 times)

Whenever I try and play Online , it always shows Ping ??? for all servers! I really want to play Online but after a few seconds , all the server's ping , is DEAD. :panda:

Can someone please help? I would really like it if you do so!
Thanks if you can.

(-The Started Blocklander-)

Check that you don't have any firewall software or anti-virus that would be blocking Blockland, thats the most likely reason. If you're not sure just disable it all and see if it makes a difference.

Also next time, help topics go in the help forum.

I'll try that now.  :cookieMonster:

Try using the modify button instead of creating another reply.

Try using the modify button instead of creating another reply, and dont use emotes after every sentence.


Foward your port.

I did it works :P

Try using the modify button instead of creating another reply.

This is the help section, There is no modify button...