Author Topic: [Tutorial]Making Add-Ons With Blender(Not Modeling)  (Read 145500 times)

k, thx

Also, THIS IS SO ANNOYING. MY BONES KEEP MOVING AROUND. After I parent a bone to Detail32. It moves to detail32(like it literally move to it), I drag it back to the correct spot where it should go. I export, and test in-game. Then my bone along with the mesh is where Detail32 in blender after I parented it...

Why does this keep happening?!?!

Also, any reason my walking animation only plays once when I walk forward, then I just slide without the animation?

Your bones move to the last frame of the animation once you export for some strange reason. If it's not that then idk.

Also, you have to enable cyclic in order for your walk animation to loop.

Also, you have to enable cyclic in order for your walk animation to loop.
Your bones move to the last frame of the animation once you export for some strange reason. If it's not that then idk.
I think the parenting/animation is screwed up. Because I have a leg, and it appears way off...Oh well, thanks anyway. If anyone else looking at this knows, I'd appreciate the answer. ;)

How do you set it up so when you look up the playertype's head looks up, or if you look down the playertype's head looks down.

How do you set it up so when you look up the playertype's head looks up, or if you look down the playertype's head looks down.

That's the look.dsq animation. I think I should add a section on this tutorial that explains what each sequence does.. maybe later.

You need an animation that starts looking down, and then looks up as far as you want it. Name it look.dsq

Thanks, also, when your making your animations. How do you stop other animations from playing while your trying to animate? Its more difficult because other stuff is moving.
Never mind, just found it, that little "eye" next to where it says the bone your animating. Also, thanks again! ^_^
« Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 02:52:02 PM by Reinforcements »

That's the look.dsq animation. I think I should add a section on this tutorial that explains what each sequence does.. maybe later.

You need an animation that starts looking down, and then looks up as far as you want it. Name it look.dsq
are you sure you didn't mean starting the animation looking up? Because I look down when I look up and up when I look down, XD.

EDIT:Started the animation looking up then going down worked. You had it mixed up, but I woudn't have know'n how to do the look.dsq anyway, so thanks.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 01:07:34 PM by Reinforcements »

sorry for triple post, but can you have 1 bone have more than I animation? I can only seem to select one or the other in my list. How do you select multiple anmiations for one bone?

sorry for triple post, but can you have 1 bone have more than I animation? I can only seem to select one or the other in my list. How do you select multiple anmiations for one bone?

No you can only look at one animation at a time. I don't see how it would work if you could view more.

Your sample playertype has leg bones, how do you have "walk" "crouch" walk_back", all set for the same leg bones? I can't seem to find how to do that.

Your sample playertype has leg bones, how do you have "walk" "crouch" walk_back", all set for the same leg bones? I can't seem to find how to do that.

Just set up a bunch of animations, and then export them all. Each dsq file is an animation in blender. You don't have to view them all at the same time in blender in order to use the same bones for different animations.

How do we set it so some parts of the vehicle can be colored, while others cannot?

Texture the parts you want to be colored with a transparent texture.

One time it tor my computer up now i got a new computer.