Author Topic: [Tutorial]Making Add-Ons With Blender(Not Modeling)  (Read 145501 times)

There is a section for it...

Weapon Animation

BTW I'm CheeseDragon, remember me? I was the person who was in AAW2!

Hai again :D Great tutorial BTW! Its really helped me :D


Today I was playing with blender and made this chicken thing that's REALLY blocky, I call it the Bricken lol

Im having issues with my animations...

After making the activate and activate2 animations, I've noticed something quite infuriating.

When I click, the activate animation plays fine. But when I begin moving my front leg goes up and just freezes while all the other legs continue walking. Then, when I click really fast (so that the activate2 animation plays) BOTH front legs freeze as Im walking. But the legs are in the proper position during the root animation.

Activate priority: 5
activate2 priority: 5
walk priority: 2
root priority: 0

« Last Edit: September 26, 2010, 07:28:40 PM by takato14 »

Well sort of but could you make a section for it?

If others can figure it out themselves, I dont see why you cant.

Activate priority: 5
activate2 priority: 5
walk priority: 2
root priority: 0


When you begin moving and start clicking? Or just when you begin moving forward? If it's when you click and move, try setting the activate priority lower than the walk priority. I don't remember how all this works, but when I looked at some of my old player type files my activate sequence always has a lower priority than the run sequence.
Just try experimenting with the priorities, if it doesn't work I'll send you one of my player types.

I set the priorities equal, and now they jitter.

In other words it IS the priorities, but If I set the activate priority lower I wont see the animation if I click while running, which is something I dont want.

Because its a 4-legged creature, the front legs HAVE to move as it walks, but meh.

I know that the minifig's animations play properly even while the player is moving... So it should be possible shouldnt it?

yes, it is possible. I just don't remember since I haven't made a player type in a while :/

Alright. Thanks.

Ill probably figure it out eventually >_> I usually do.

If I cant get it to work Ill let you know, so you could send it. (if you dont mind, of course)
« Last Edit: September 26, 2010, 11:03:42 PM by takato14 »

Is it Possible To make You Gun Gold And Shine Im just Wondering.I need help  on making it Gold.

Just texture it a gold colour...

Just a quick question, what is the "shiftAway" sequence for?

When you're building, the animation you use to shift your brick forward away from you.

What's wrong with this?

First, I couldn't go into edit mode unless the armature (whatever its called) is selected

Second, it said after you've named the thingy mountPoint, add an empty. I tried to but it just said "Add -> Bone".

and Third, on your pic the armature had lines next to them, what where those?

A pic to show you the second question
               Help would be much apriciated - thanks spell checker :) appreciated

In order to add an empty you gotta go back into object mode. Select where it says edit mode and choose object mode, or just press tab. And the lines were relationship lines, it showed which object was parented to which. Once you parent yours you'll see the lines.