Author Topic: Pandemic Breaks Out  (Read 27202 times)

I was watching the news, to hear that 68 people in Mexico died, 1,000 infected from a virus the world hasn't seen before, Swine Flu.
It went to NYC, and has infected a total of 7 people, 75 people are being checked though.
The virus is airborne, and people in Mexico are wearing surgeon masks to not get the virus, schools are closing, buildings, etc.
We're at a 3 out of 6 for a pandemic breaking out, 3 is a watch for it, to take caution.
God I'm freaked out, it's like 1918 happening all over again. :(

Here's the video I found of it:

I said the same thing. D:

How do you catch this, "swine flu"?


How do you catch this, "swine flu"?
Hard to tell, it has almost the same symptoms as normal flu.

Except it kills you. ;_;

It's airborne, I'm guessing you breathe it in or touch something with it.

It's airborne, I'm guessing you breathe it in or touch something with it.
And humans can pass it on to other people.

Holy forgetstuff, a sign of 2012.

Holy forgetstuff, a sign of 2012.
Holy hell, seriously?!?

I'm moving to the moon, bye all.

You DO realize that the moon's close enough to Earth to be affected, right?

Hell, I'll loving move to Titan or some stuff.

You DO realize that the moon's close enough to Earth to be affected, right?
Moon flu is next.
I'm screwed.

Any of you hear about that planet that's like Earth a long time ago? It's only a few thousand light-years away.

You DO realize that the moon's close enough to Earth to be affected, right?
Affected by what?

Well, if the Nibiru thing is real, that. But I doubt we can set up some air-recycling stuff on the moon in 3 years. We have the piss/sweat recycler for water, but that's it.

Dang stuff, why is the world dying all the sudden?