Author Topic: Pandemic Breaks Out  (Read 27125 times)

Hey guys, I have it D:
Go get medical care and you'll be fine :D

when the hell is my gas mask gonna get here? >:C

Dumbass, gas masks are totally unnecessary. This swine flu is totally overhyped. The UK media are now saying it'll be spreading around London Underground (which I use every day) so all these dumbasses are going to stop using it which means more seats for me.

I'm getting a surgeon mask just incase, you never know when an outbreak could start.

I'm getting a surgeon mask just incase, you never know when an outbreak could start.

The masks are for the infected, so if they sneeze the germ-infested saliva/mucus doesn't get all over you.

The masks are for the infected, so if they sneeze the germ-infested saliva/mucus doesn't get all over you.
Everyone in Mexico is wearing them to prevent infection, look on the news. :(

Tennessee... I don't know what that pink marker meant but it was in North Carolina :c

People are just over reacting, its a poison Asia toy scare again.

People are just over reacting, its a poison Asia toy scare again.


I think God has gotten tired of us.

It's easy to heal..
It's just like The Influenza outbreak 30 years ago.
Eat lots of Tamiflu (yuuuk!) and you'll be fine.
Or you can even try eating lots of vitamin C.
That will prevent infections from spreading onto your body.

My apologies, I've actually only had it twice in the winter. One bad thing about going to the Bahamas. Aztec's Revenge That Managed To Cross An Ocean.

Dumbass, gas masks are totally unnecessary. This swine flu is totally overhyped. The UK media are now saying it'll be spreading around London Underground (which I use every day) so all these dumbasses are going to stop using it which means more seats for me.

It'll just be another disease that everyone gets hyped over, but the hype is for a reason, for if whenever the virus does become deadly they don't want everyone to have it and die.

Overblown virus media whoring. Nothing is going to happen. People here are saying "Oh my god, 142 people died in Mexico!"

People die from DRINKING THE WATER in Mexico.

Thing about viruses is that they can mutate at any time, that's what makes them so hard to find a cure for. I just don't like being sick in general, but I do think this is over hyped, the only reason that 150 people have died in Mexico is because the people who got it were dirty poor farmers without doctors. I think we'll be fine, 64 cases in the U.S. so far, big deal. I hope don't think it will get that far. And I agree with the guy above, Mexican's die every day from poor health conditions.

You guys remember the 1918 influenza outbreak?

It killed so many people, that it had no more people to kill and couldn't go anywhere. So it just died out.

Saying nothing is going to happen is like saying you can look into the future, you can't.