Author Topic: I need ideas for a bet  (Read 1896 times)

alright, So me and a friend made a bet and I need ideas for what the loser has to do. No money or anything, just something funny for the winner or somewhat embarassing for the loser. Nothing unreasonable (I.E. love) just something funny

and just for refrence this friend is a girl and if you can't guess by my name Tman I am a guy so plan accordingly.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 08:52:25 PM by Tman2022 » what what about eating the winners dirty socks

Loser has to send CS:S to steam account: Voodooson
Perfect  :cookieMonster:

well what about having to run around in thayr underwear in the streets no madder what weather is

love.  Win-win!  Haha, on a serious note: Scream a meme between every class.

love.  Win-win!  Haha, on a serious note: Scream a meme between every class.
There is actually a guy at my school with tourettes that yells stuff. It's actually pretty funny. It's not severe, but it's quite noticeable.

There is actually a guy at my school with tourettes that yells stuff. It's actually pretty funny. It's not severe, but it's quite noticeable.

i yell things beetween classes but thayr all the word sh** becouse then i figure out what class is next

The person who loses has to kiss the other persons ass, or whichever way you like.

stand infront of a crowd and yell something really embaresing that has happened to them

i yell things beetween classes but thayr all the word sh** becouse then i figure out what class is next
Kid, learn how to loving spell, you say you're 13, I doubt it.  Yeah, a normal person can't remember their classes, bull.  I am 13.  Also, I've screamed "John Freeman, over here!" once.

have you ever gone to school in iceland dude i wish i went to school in another country and i am 13  idiot

I yelled "DO A BARREL ROLL" during P.E. once.

Scream a meme between every class.
One guy the other day was yelling "DO A BARREL ROLL" in science


He gave me a hug