Author Topic: Mr Murphy  (Read 677 times)

So yeah. I think I have the most handicapped history teacher ever. He is highly unreasonable as far as grading goes and his tests are ridiculous.

For the whole first semester I got graded down for handicapped as hell things. In the 2nd week of school I had the flu so I missed a bunch of things. I took initiative and did all my assignments, turned them all in and when I got to his class he was too busy to accept things and I was unaware of how he wanted late things turned in. So I waited a day, and when he wasn't busy I asked how I could turn in my absent work. He said just give the papers to him and they'd all be late and be docked half the points. On other assignments I'd get graded down by half for forgetting my name, or the date of birth of some random guy. (The name thing, fine sure whatever. But still, half points?) Not to mention his tests didn't contain content from history. They were basically tests with 30 people on them. Yeah, forget knowing things that happened, let's learn names! Jesus, I can barely remember my friends' names let alone some old guys who are long gone by now.

Even so, at the end of the semester I went to my councelor. I asked if I could switch out of his class for second semester. The answer I got was "no, unless you're failing." Unless you're failing. So the only way for an A student to get out of a class he absolutely despises is to completely and utterly rape his GPA? Alright whatever. (By failing, I mean getting a D or an E.) So after that meeting I predicted my grade. My prediction was my grade would be a C. Lower than what I would consider acceptable, and higher than what I needed. I was 100% right.

And now, in the second half of the year, things have been getting a bit better until now. A project. A project involving what I despise with the very depth of my soul. I need to interview a veteran. This is quite a problem for me, since I only know 1 veteran and he's in Wisconsin. So I asked if I could interview a PoW, he said OK. I asked my mom if my grandpa was one, she said he was. So I interview him, turns out he wasn't a prisoner of war, but rather, he was a prisoner. So now, I have to do my project on a person who is an exception of an exception, and I have to present it.

So I have decided that instead of present it I will do the project and just say "Hey heres my thing. I cant present msrry. I forgot how to talk." or something to that extent. This project is worth 2 test grades. If you don't do it it's worth 4. that's 4 0/100 grades in the grade book. Now, my question is, based on what I have typed here, does anyone believe he will be reasonable and say "okay you tried. here, only 2 0/100s." Or will he say something more along the lines of "No. You didn't present. Go die." I have already made up my mind as to what I'm doing, I'm pretty forgeted anyways, just wondering what you guys think and which of us is being unreasonable.

TL;DR: My teacher's a richard.

my english teacher grades like that.

"you do something right, +5 points."
"you do something wrong, -45 points."

I dun think I could've caught the swine flu in September of 2008. ._.

Haha, I'm glad I don't have him this semester. :D

Mr. DeLuca FTW.

Haha, I'm glad I don't have him this semester. :D

Mr. DeLuca FTW.


Your teacher is a public school teacher, huh? Just something we have circulating around here, about teachers that ignore individuals, are completely overreactive, act like dousche bags, and hate kids.