Author Topic: People who clear bricks/change map without warning you on freebuilds.  (Read 1152 times)


I don't think I really need to explain much. I hate them. I just a good start to a build on I Have Not's server.

I hate when admins do this. That is why I made (Or tired to make) A server rules/admin rule GUI that pops up when you spawn.

Person 1: Dude check this out! This is the best thing I've ever built!
Person 2: Wow, that's awesome! Let me save, one sec...
[Admin is in another area, in a zombie deathmatch with his friends]
Admin Friend #1: There are way too many Zombie Hunters.
Admin Friend #2: This map is too small for them!
Admin: [Changes map to kitchen]
Person 1: NOOO!

Admins commonly ignore other players.

ITT: People raging over map chaning while they build.

ITT: People raging over map chaning while they build.
Thank you for restating the topic title.

As long as they save and reload once they change I'm fine with it.

But yeah, this is one of the reasons I'm picky about with server I build on.

Lucky for me i save alot.

Most smart admins save before they change map.


Most smart admins save before they change map.
Yes, but only a few admins warn you.

I announce it in global chat to everyone on my server several times and tell people to save bricks if they want and they still complain that I didn't give them enough warning.

I never change map.

I only change map if everything is as boring as forget and nobody is really building anything.
Wakes everyone up

I only change map if everything is as boring as forget and nobody is really building anything.
Wakes everyone up

I never change map.
Because you can not use any other besides slate and construct :(

Because you can not use any other besides slate and construct :(
Well, other than that, I don't see the need to change map. :o
Usually because I don't host public type servers. If I'm hosting, I make everyone watch and/or kill eachother.