Author Topic: Some Blockland History  (Read 1776 times)

Here is some history that has faded around the release of v8.
It has just become the shadow of Blockland Past.
The story takes place around 150 B.C.

Back in the east of Bloxandia, there was a grand nation known as the Republic of Blox. They were a thriving nation that had some of the greatest heroes known to block-kind. They invented the simple brick, a mixture of plaster, color, stone, and some mud to create houses. They were simple houses, ranging from about 10 to 150 bricks, but great structures. As it went on, the Blox were able to create bricks at a much more rapid pace, and cheapened them. They also made them out of pure plastic, making them easy to mold, and lighter. The other ally of the Republic of Blox were the Blockos, having a separate nation simply known as The Block Territory. They improved the design of these bricks, and made it sturdier and more stable. Once finished, you could build a stadium supported on a stack of single bricks even 100 blocks high! They also had a built in safety feature that was designed so that when the bricks were destroyed, they would disappear instead of coming loose. With this safety, they wouldn't be crushed by huge falling bricks.

The Block Territory also made another huge improvement, ramps, rounds, and base plates. With these bricks, their structures could be more stable, intricate, and more broad.

The Republic of Blox then made another great discovery; gun powder. With this, they could create large explosions that could wipe out great countries of an enemy. This made the Blockos scared. They started creating a vast amount of weapons. By 17 A.D., they had hundreds of weapons. They had guns, bombs, swords, arrows, and even a bomb vaguely similar to what we call today the Mini-Nuke.

Once the Territory received news that the Republic of Blox was about to test a bomb that could possibly wipe out the small nation of Blockos in 450, the government decided to take action. They gathered an army of 32 Blockos. These Blockos were the highest trained soldiers in the world. The "Deadly Night," which is the name of the battle, was a night where the 32 soldiers invaded the Blox government city. This night was historical. It is recorded as the first time the Mini-Nuke was used, but at full scale. Today's Mini-Nuke is only half the size of the original one used in 400. The Republic of Blox had a huge impact on this battle. In response, they threatened the Territory of Blocks to do they same to every single city in the Territory.

The Blockos responded, and decided they had to find protection. They sent 3 boats of 32 people to the West, an unexplored territory. In 1700, they arrived. As soon as possible, they found cover in the Slopes, which today is a historical land form and a local ski resort.

Back in the original Territory, the Republic of Blox was about to preform the attack. To cover up their identity, they labeled the planes "ROBlox," which was then shortened to "Roblox." They decided to take this name as the new name of the country. In 1850, they Invaded the Territory. They had a total of 100 double sized nukes take out the Territory. No Blockos survived. Or at least that's what the Robloxians thought...

They captured the barren desert, and took the land.

Around 1940, the New Territory of Block shortened their name to. They were changed to, and still is, Blockland.

Around 1941, Blockland sent planes over to Roblox, and bombed everything in sight. The Blockos then captured all the historical Robloxians, and improved the Blockland Institute of Science. They left those who were not important, and insultingly called them "Noobs." Still the noobs live and assault Blockos in the only way possible, spamming.

That era in 1950 was called V.0002. They started to improve. in V.9, they invented technology to make bricks have significant properties. They have discovered in V.8 how to walk on the sky. Also, they built one of the most significant buildings in the world, the Bedroom. It was a maze of secret passages, a main room with windows, a clock, a bed, a door, a lamp, and even a beautiful land scape outside. Blockos now have happy lives, socializing, building, and creating vehicals and weapons. They Robloxians live happilly too, but are still scarred from the 1941 attack, and very noobish.

So there you have it, the history of Blockland.

I hope you liked it.

EDIT: If you hated it, write your own history
« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 12:08:32 PM by SkyMaster »


Nice work, but why'd ya make it?


Nice work, but why'd ya make it?
me too!

Really well done! Of the few stories I've read, this one is the best!

You have no life?
Um, if i didn't i wouldn't be posting...


Nah, i just wanted to make it clear how everything started

It should be 150 B.R.

"Before Retail"

i dont like to learn but this is great

It should be 150 B.R.

"Before Retail"


i dont like to learn but this is great

It's okay. Remember, an 'F' can also mean 'Fantastic!'

It all makes sense now  :cookieMonster: