Author Topic: I,you...uh well WE need an f-zero racer !  (Read 731 times)

Could anybody make a f-zero racer? More exactly the blue falcon?

...For those who do not know what is a f-zero racer, it is (effectively) a racer which goes to vertiginous speeds  (700, 800, 900 mph) and which floats to 1 ft. of the ground thanks to a G-diffuser system. We find these vehicles in the game F-Zero.

Here are the features that the vehicle in blockland has to have:

- It need to be 1.5x/2x more speedy than the jeep(or else it will be TOO speedy)
- We must be able to turn easily with.
- It has to float in air (like the hoverboard) but IT CANNOT JUMP BY ITSELF.
- Make it paintable. If not, it need to be blue.
- It's a racer, not a plane.
- And...uh that all.
 :cookie:X 100 for the one who makes and posts this awesone racer!


The Blue Falcon :

« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 06:40:59 PM by dangerous_boy »

I wouldn't say that this is a bad idea but..... the idea of stealing something from a video game is so gay.

I wouldn't say that this is a bad idea but..... the idea of stealing something from a video game is so gay.
Then this is gay?

Then this is gay?

The only thing I'd accept from another game is if it actually adds more features to the game. Such as the portal gun.


The only thing I'd accept from another game is if it actually adds more features to the game. Such as the portal gun.
Hmm, well, now that a picture of the actual Fallout 3 Autoaxe has been posted, i do realize it could use some work on the model, it's not as detailed as the one in Fallout 3 :(

As for the features, what more is there to do? I guess there's some things that haven't been done, but i'm not sure :S

I would like the guy who started this thread to be more specific.

As for the features, what more is there to do? I guess there's some things that haven't been done, but i'm not sure :S
Well hookshot was already made. I'm sure you could come up with something.

Hmm, well, now that a picture of the actual Fallout 3 Autoaxe has been posted, i do realize it could use some work on the model, it's not as detailed as the one in Fallout 3 :(

As for the features, what more is there to do? I guess there's some things that haven't been done, but i'm not sure :S
Floating/Hovering Vehicles?

Off Topic: The bench will float in mid air when in mid air for quite a while. Just try.

On Topic: Stuttering via the internet does not make you any better with rep.
But what would I know D:

Here are the features which the f-zero racer brings:

Faster than a normal vehicle.

Allows to give a different style in race. (I am going to make a racing server with Mute City or Port Town as track if the f-zero  racer is created)

First floating vehicle and in the aspect purely futuristic (as I know)

We looks cooler than if we were in a porsche ( you got the idea...weee)

Others possibles features : it take damages and damages the other vehicles when it contacts with.

It takes damages when it goes into a wall (very important because it's classic in
F-zero race)
:cookie:X 100 +  :iceCream:X 20 now.