Author Topic: Slate Ceramic  (Read 8563 times)

Slate as Ceramic tile hasnt been touched except for my slate carpet map. please dont flame or ill release another. Ceramic
« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 08:22:17 AM by Jazzinator »

cool, map. Im downloading

You aleready made one bad map it's just a picture.
It gets a No from me

Nice effort.

But you need to know somthing...


please dont flame or ill release another.
Please don't release another or we will flame. If you keep releasing these then the community will request you be banned from the forums. Useless maps like this one are shoving decent maps to the second page.

Constructive Criticism and flaming are not the same thing. Mapping is not a plea for attention, it is about releasing quality content that you put your heart into. Here's a tip, actually try next time. If you need help using F11, the terrain editor, etc. let me know, but don't keep releasing these.

Ghost has spoken on the wonders of Mission Editor. Now get back to work! >;D

looks kind do I put this oh yeah CRAPPY!

Words cannot express how strangely weird this came out...
1/10 for effort...

Also do not release anymore maps especially if they are going to remain crappy slate edits that no one will use.

Please don't release another or we will flame. If you keep releasing these then the community will request you be banned from the forums. Useless maps like this one are shoving decent maps to the second page.

Constructive Criticism and flaming are not the same thing. Mapping is not a plea for attention, it is about releasing quality content that you put your heart into. Here's a tip, actually try next time. If you need help using F11, the terrain editor, etc. let me know, but don't keep releasing these.
yes actually i would like some help :(. I could make a decent map, but i cant remember how to make the editor work!!! PM or IRC me