
Should I release the bug mod:

Now and fix the problems later
Fix all the problems and then release

Author Topic: Bug zombies mod  (Read 132847 times)

Could you make this compatible with Amade's zombie mod.

so Army hows the mod anyluck?

so Army hows the mod anyluck?

not really.

And a probably very bad thing for this mod just happened (or very for me :P)
The zombie mod just got updated..

I just tested this with the update, seemed to work fine.

I just tested this with the update, seemed to work fine.
oh thank you god and nice job rot :)

I just tested this with the update, seemed to work fine.

Thank you!  I was so not looking forward to re-doing all the bug scripts!
I haven't been able to test it myself, but the new updates look cool!

Maybe we won't have to make our own AI scripts.  ;)

I think that the pill bug's (rolly polly) attack should be it in its ball form and running blockheads over.

I think that the pill bug's (rolly polly) attack should be it in its ball form and running blockheads over.

That will be one of it's attacks ;)

I think that the pill bug's (rolly polly) attack should be it in its ball form and running blockheads over.
thats a great idea
That will be one of it's attacks ;)
what will be the others?

When will you release blocktopus,can you pm it to me,when its done before public release?

When will you release blocktopus,can you pm it to me,when its done before public release?

I'm not sure I'm going to release Blocktopus, he's just a fun little project I started so I could practice my animation skills......

Edit: and Blocktopus is for testing and trying out script ideas.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 08:26:04 PM by ArmyUnit »

I'm not sure I'm going to release Blocktopus, he's just a fun little project I started so I could practice my animation skills......

Edit: and Blocktopus is for testing and trying out script ideas.
  Well,could you pm it to me,if you want?

  Well,could you pm it to me,if you want?

Maybe I might send you the add-on but I might not maybe send you not.

May i ask, what are these special items?