Author Topic: Master servers going down?  (Read 1156 times)

Blockbot keeps announcing that the master servers are going down, is he/she doing it way before they go down to give us time to save or is he/she pulling a fast one on us?

Probably temperary.

Mabye or bug fixes from v11

200 servers when down to 80.  Mine didn't go down, but 2 minutes later my server was pouring with people; then they all left.

Blockbot's not a human, and therefore has no gender. This is an error in its software.
Blockbot's a she, and she's getting another liver transplant so she's not exactly reliable right now. Everything should be fixed by tomorrow.

Total warp and Yayfun failed for me. Coincident?

Nope its fine. Its RTB thats messed up. Badspot was just at his server and everything was fine.

Nope its fine. Its RTB thats messed up. Badspot was just at his server and everything was fine.
Than I'm just a moron and I've been typing things wrong? Damn.

Than I'm just a moron and I've been typing things wrong? Damn.

Its went down around the same time my modem did some freak reset

Its went down around the same time my modem did some freak reset
:P What the hell. Wasn't this a good crazy ass day.

Total warp and Yayfun failed for me. Coincident?
o my i herd my website name

Blockbot's not a human, and therefore has no gender. This is an error in its software.
Blockbot's a she, and she's getting another liver transplant so she's not exactly reliable right now. Everything should be fixed by tomorrow.

Blockbot's not a human, and therefore has no gender. This is an error in its software.
Blockbot's a she, and she's getting another liver transplant so she's not exactly reliable right now. Everything should be fixed by tomorrow.

Between all of the !lobotomys you have to wonder if she has any part of her original brain left.

Yeah BlockBot was misinformed - I've sent her a memo to let her know everything's OK.