Author Topic: What would you do if...  (Read 102052 times)

nothing, id buy one.

what would you do if you were gay


I'd turn Hetero.

What would you do if you just realized you lost around 80 GB of files on your computer.
That happened to me yesterday.

Try to recover them

What would you do if you broke your skateboard in the middle of a road and cars passing


WWYDI you got bonked by the scout and survived?

I wouldn't survive, I can tell you that much.

WWYDI your school got visited by Dr. Phil?

I would wonder who is Dl. Phil.

What would you do if a TON of Fish gets delivered to your house under your name, and you are asked to pay 20000$ for them?

I would ask who the fish are.


I would ask who the fish are.

I would go up in the air and fall to my death.

WWYDI you shrank to the size of a grain of sand?

Lay down and relax.

WWYDI a burglar burst into your bedroom holding a flower?

Smell the flower and then beat the crap out of him for failing.

WWYDI the internet was made by me?

It wouldn't make a difference anyway.

WWYDI this topic didn't exist?

I'd post in other post

WWYDI if your best friend stole your gf?(I'd like to see a Big Message been posted)

What girlfriend? What best friend?

What would do if your best friend took the last copy of your favorite video game at the store?

I'd tell him I'll wait in the car with the game while he pays, then drive away.

WWYDI A band you liked broke up

Listen to their music.

WWYDI you woke up in space?