Author Topic: Pardon me for sounding dumb...  (Read 3029 times)

B: Pompous 13 year olds who rarely play but still post sassy flame-posts in every single thread. Yeah, I'm talking to you Jimmg.
14 :cookieMonster: I play about 3 times a month
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 09:14:17 PM by Jimmg »

Thanks for all your wonderful help >:(

But I finally found the home page.
I'm still a little confused on what it is and now here is my question: Is it worth downloading?

Thanks for all your wonderful help >:(

But I finally found the home page.
I'm still a little confused on what it is and now here is my question: Is it worth downloading?

no, or is that just their community defending their privacy?

no, or is that just their community defending their privacy?
No as in it's a dead game.

Well, usually there's 5 or so people on at most. Which entertaining enough, specially when I steal corpses from Jimmg and run to Port Town to dump them in the lake.
I've done that several times now.

And i'm getting really sick of all these "unspoken rules" of the self proclaimed "special few" of blockland.
Lol, yeah Badspot! What gives you the right to think you're better than everyone else! It's not like you made Age of Time or Blockland or anything like that.

Lol, yeah Badspot! What gives you the right to think you're better than everyone else! It's not like you made Age of Time or Blockland or anything like that.

You're an idiot if you really think that's what he was talking about.

You're an idiot if you really think that's what he was talking about.

Thank you ^_^

Why the hell would i bad mouth badspot?

Anyway, I downloaded the game.
It's fun-ish.
But some guy named ray or something grabbed my corpse and put me in jail O.O
It's kinda hard to survive at first...

Thank you ^_^

Why the hell would i bad mouth badspot?

Anyway, I downloaded the game.
It's fun-ish.
But some guy named ray or something grabbed my corpse and put me in jail O.O
It's kinda hard to survive at first...
Protip; Don't be naked.
That or you swore.

I think I turned nakey for a second and jumped around the river a bit, then it said that was bad so I put my clothes back on :P