Author Topic: What the **** is this ****?  (Read 3119 times)

OK, fine i am a loner, but i think there may be one person out there who isnt a complete idiot who cant even read the ******* rules! I mean obviously half the people will hate this clan, but i told them to shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well then i tried this and Metallica is still losing... (**** You JB!)
Seriously, grow some ******* balls guys.  No one wants to see that **** here.  It's ******* annoying as hell.

They are too young to be on these forums :(

Censorship sucks. It basically keeps you from saying what you want.

I love how when they sensor curse words with asterisks, there are usually more of them than letters in the word they're censoring. I've seen people cover up loving with **********.

I love how when they sensor curse words with asterisks, there are usually more of them than letters in the word they're censoring. I've seen people cover up loving with **********.

It is funny, because it bugs the stuff out of me. I always count the asterisks and try to figure out what they're saying.

What the Fuck*** is this shit***?

Remember guys it's Lord Pies thread no cursing...For thous with no scene of humor i'm joking
forget stubbed my toe!

snot is also ***** of the ******** and ******* is ******** the ****** orange juice

Thread title should be What the ********* is this ************?

If you're against cursing
like I do

Or what about Blueteamguy?

what the panda is this

What the ice cream is this, what crazed panda would make nintendo nuggets like this.