Why I dont want to play AOT

Author Topic: Why I dont want to play AOT  (Read 4022 times)

Hey, Im Unisoul. Most of you don't know me because I left [Playing AOT] along time ago. Here are some reasons.

1.Player Killing:
Now, don't get me wrong,I don't mind being killed in the wilderness, but..... I hate it when a noob sneaks up from behind, kills you, then starts bragging about how amazing and powerful he/she is. Felix showed alot of this kind of behavior.

2.Too much talking, not enough listening:
For instance: You'll say something, like a question, a request, ect. and 5 second later a new stupid conversation about Britney Spears, how How someone got 100 k, or how hot Kitty (Who's Kitty?) is wil pop up. Often I will have to ask my question several times before I can even have it read.

3.Player Fame
This is sort of the same as complaint No. 2. I will be talking to someone when someone (supposedly) famous logs on. Most of the time my conversation will be dropped and the person will immediatley start talking to the famous player.

I'll have a farm and it will get destroyed. Pretty basic

SO, I was Wondering, are any of these annoyances are still around? Please tell me if any of these things still happen

Thankyou and may the :nes: be with you.


I see where you come from,but it's all player base,well,rather the player. Make friends,or bring friends,if they don't listen,is it worth the energy to type?

I see where you come from,but it's all player base,well,rather the player. Make friends,or bring friends,if they don't listen,is it worth the energy to type?

No offense, but I didn't understand a word you just said.

Don't explain it.
Don't explain why you quit/are going to quit. Just do it.

(Who's Kitty?)

Kitty is somebody that owns AoT as well as your face.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2006, 11:59:40 PM by Liquid Snake »

You're (Unisoul) as dumb as this crowd!!!

Off Topic-Koden, what did you use to do the charcoal effect on your avatar?

some special super Mac effect probably

Macintosh ROCKS!!!!!! I did sketch filter because it made my pic look a lot more gothic. I also modified it so the dark spots are black.

*awaits Macintosh vs. Windows flame war*

I dont think I can do that effect with GIMP.

The war is already begun. Just read. And be sure to read page two. http://www.blockland.us/smf/index.php?topic=6821.0