
is minecraft dead

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Author Topic: Minecraft Megathread; yeah its update 1.12 big whoop what about it  (Read 6230347 times)

Screw my previous idea, this location is too perfect to pass up. Desert fortress time? I think so.
You keep on posting these pictures.
I never find neat terrain

Im thinking about buying an extra copy of minecraft because im bored.
Anybody not have Minecraft?
I don't :/ I'd like it if you'd be willing..

Just in case you never saw it.

I suggest banning Toasteh from your servers.

tl;dr -- He refuses to listen to directions and is a general friend.

Here's what happened:

I logged onto Brickybob's server and found Toasteh and Redilub (sp?) doing whatever. After awhile I noticed Toasteh in my basement, and said "Does "No Trespassing" mean anything to anyone" (there is a "No Trespassing" sign outside my house) and Toasteh said no. I took this as a joke, but I was cautious as my main chest was down there and he had noticed part of my locking mechanism. I told him that he should leave, and I threw in a "(Or I will kill you)" for good measure. To scare him, you know? I had full Iron armor and a Diamond sword and he had stone tools, so it would be no contest. He left and I went back to what I was doing. It was only about a minute or two before he waltzed right back into my house like he owned the place. I asked what part of "I will kill you" he didn't understand, and he left before returning once again, after which I gave him a smack with my sword. I believe he was trying to figure out my chest locking mechanism, as I kept finding him in my basement. I admit I shouldn't have mentioned that the griefer who apparently visited earlier hadn't found my main chest to people I didn't trust, but still. After leaving he said that he was going to kill me, and not taking any chance that he had some more advanced equipment at home, saw him picking at freckleskitty's garden and sprinted out my door with sword blazing.

He died quickly. I sifted through his inventory and took a few Enderpearls (how he got those I don't know, he was definitely not equipped to kill Endermen...or was he?) and some other things here and there as spoils. He returned and I watched him gather what remained (which was nearly everything) and walk away. Not long afterwards he stated that some things were missing and he demanded them back. I ignored him. He must have known that my chest was in my basement and went there to look for it. I killed him again. He came back, and perhaps it was a mistake, but I killed him as soon as he reached the top of the basement steps. I should have let him reclaim his items at that point, but at the same time I was very unsettled that he was hellbent on finding my chest, and I didn't want to give him any advantage. I tried to rectify this mistake by telling him to take his stuff and leave. He came into the basement and tried to punch me. I killed him again. He came back again. And I killed him again. Over and over and over. I probably killed him about 10 times, each time he drilled a new hole into the wall of my house and tried to punch a man to death in full Iron armor. My biggest mistake was building within walking distance of spawn, I know that now.

Now here's the good part; I'm not quite sure how it happened -- maybe he was holding out on me, maybe he had an accomplice to supply him a sword, maybe he was cheating, or maybe I just wasn't keeping an eye on my hunger and health bars -- but he came down into that basement and somehow managed to wreck my stuff good. I rushed to my home just as the door closed, with Toasteh nowhere in sight. In the basement I found coal, a clock, some saplings, and other general garbage. "I told you I'd kill you", he scoffed. My reply was this:

"Unlike you I have plenty of supplies to go around

I will find you

and when I do

I will kill you"

I made myself some Iron armor, a Diamond sword, and some essentials before setting out to find that forget. I didn't venture far, and was looping around when I noticed a nameplate in my basement. I flew down the steps and saw the wall in front of my chest busted open, and I rushed in to find Toasteh trying to break out through the circuitry room. I killed that son of a bitch and picked up my stolen diamonds, gold and who knows what else. I took a deep breath and disconnected.

I'm never going to that server again, and whoever that bastard Toasteh is...

I'm taking my diamonds to the grave, forgeter.

I didn't read any of that, but it is pretty long and well organized, so it must be true.

I suggest banning Toasteh from your servers.

tl;dr -- He refuses to listen to directions and is a general friend.

Here's what happened:

I logged onto Brickybob's server and found Toasteh and Redilub (sp?) doing whatever. After awhile I noticed Toasteh in my basement, and said "Does "No Trespassing" mean anything to anyone" (there is a "No Trespassing" sign outside my house) and Toasteh said no. I took this as a joke, but I was cautious as my main chest was down there and he had noticed part of my locking mechanism. I told him that he should leave, and I threw in a "(Or I will kill you)" for good measure. To scare him, you know? I had full Iron armor and a Diamond sword and he had stone tools, so it would be no contest. He left and I went back to what I was doing. It was only about a minute or two before he waltzed right back into my house like he owned the place. I asked what part of "I will kill you" he didn't understand, and he left before returning once again, after which I gave him a smack with my sword. I believe he was trying to figure out my chest locking mechanism, as I kept finding him in my basement. I admit I shouldn't have mentioned that the griefer who apparently visited earlier hadn't found my main chest to people I didn't trust, but still. After leaving he said that he was going to kill me, and not taking any chance that he had some more advanced equipment at home, saw him picking at freckleskitty's garden and sprinted out my door with sword blazing.


He died quickly. I sifted through his inventory and took a few Enderpearls (how he got those I don't know, he was definitely not equipped to kill Endermen...or was he?) and some other things here and there as spoils. He returned and I watched him gather what remained (which was nearly everything) and walk away. Not long afterwards he stated that some things were missing and he demanded them back. I ignored him. He must have known that my chest was in my basement and went there to look for it. I killed him again. He came back, and perhaps it was a mistake, but I killed him as soon as he reached the top of the basement steps. I should have let him reclaim his items at that point, but at the same time I was very unsettled that he was hellbent on finding my chest, and I didn't want to give him any advantage. I tried to rectify this mistake by telling him to take his stuff and leave. He came into the basement and tried to punch me. I killed him again. He came back again. And I killed him again. Over and over and over. I probably killed him about 10 times, each time he drilled a new hole into the wall of my house and tried to punch a man to death in full Iron armor. My biggest mistake was building within walking distance of spawn, I know that now.

Now here's the good part; I'm not quite sure how it happened -- maybe he was holding out on me, maybe he had an accomplice to supply him a sword, maybe he was cheating, or maybe I just wasn't keeping an eye on my hunger and health bars -- but he came down into that basement and somehow managed to wreck my stuff good. I rushed to my home just as the door closed, with Toasteh nowhere in sight. In the basement I found coal, a clock, some saplings, and other general garbage. "I told you I'd kill you", he scoffed. My reply was this:

"Unlike you I have plenty of supplies to go around

I will find you

and when I do

I will kill you"

I made myself some Iron armor, a Diamond sword, and some essentials before setting out to find that forget. I didn't venture far, and was looping around when I noticed a nameplate in my basement. I flew down the steps and saw the wall in front of my chest busted open, and I rushed in to find Toasteh trying to break out through the circuitry room. I killed that son of a bitch and picked up my stolen diamonds, gold and who knows what else. I took a deep breath and disconnected.

I'm never going to that server again, and whoever that bastard Toasteh is...

I'm taking my diamonds to the grave, forgeter.


Doesn't exactly sound ban worthy to me, to be honest.

Aww you're not coming back? I was having fun. Anyway, let me clarify a few things. I went into his house to check it out and he threatened me and pulled out his sword so I left. I came back in after he left because I was curious as to what that button in his basement did. He came back and hit me once or twice so I left. Then I went into what was apparently freckleskitty's garden. I was going in there because it was fenced off so mobs couldn't get me while I looked at something online. I came back and Regulith killed me for no apparent reason. I didn't take any wheat from the farm; I was just standing there. I came back and picked up my stuff which was there for the most part. I noticed that I was missing 8 sulphur, my stone sword, and a few random materials. I told Regulith to give them back and he wouldn't so I tried to kill him. After several lives, I did. I took his stuff and mine and ran off and hid my items in a chest. I came back to his house with some tnt hoping to blow his house up, but I think tnt was disabled on the server because I couldn't place it. I went in his house and broke behind the button in the basement just in case there was some stuff I could take to further get back at Regulith. I found a ton of stuff, took the most expensive stuff, and then noticed that Regulith was home. He came down and killed me easily since I had no weapons. Then he disconnected. In hopes that he would come back I dug pretty deep under where I assume he disconnected to try and make him fall to his death, but he didn't come back. I destroyed most of his house too.
If there were some rules against killing/stealing I wouldn't have, but there was no rule board, and the /rules command just gave some stupid rules like "be ethical", which rediadkjf; told me was the default.
tl;dr: Regulith killed me for standing in some guys garden and stole some of my stuff, so I killed him, took as much of his stuff as I could carry, and destroyed his house.

tl;dr -- He refuses to listen to directions and is a general friend.
Why would I listen to directions from another player? You weren't an op or host. There was no reason. Everything was caused by him killing me for standing in some guy's garden.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2012, 01:10:28 AM by Tylale »

Just in case you never saw it.
I did. Still thinking if I should buy it or not.

What I understand: Regulith killed Tytale once, for no reason, and the rest of the times, to defend his belongings.
Tytale stole, griefed, attempted to blow Reguliths house up, and tried to make Regulith fall into a pit.

Who do you think is at fault here?

Also, Tytale, you started it by going back into his house a second time, when he told you to leave.

What I understand: Regulith killed Tytale once, for no reason, and the rest of the times, to defend his belongings.
Tytale stole, griefed, attempted to blow Reguliths house up, and tried to make Regulith fall into a pit.

Who do you think is at fault here?

Also, Tytale, you started it by going back into his house a second time, when he told you to leave.
First of all, my forum name is Tylale, not Tytale.

Secondly I stole, "griefed", attempted to blow Reguliths house up, and tried to make Regulith fall into a pit because he killed me randomly and stole my stuff.
There were no rules posted on the server, and plenty of servers allow the destruction of peoples houses and stealing.

I just wanted to check out that button. I figured it opened some secret passage or opened a secret chest. I wasn't planning on stealing anything or killing him until he killed me and took my  belongings. I didn't hit him in his house or anything.

I'm not saying Regulith's at fault, but I am saying I'm not at fault. There were no rules posted, so I assumed it was free for all. Its not "griefing" when there aren't rules against it. Its not like I can read the host's mind to see what he considers acceptable.

Normally, if you join a server that doesn't have rules posted, you assume it has basic rules unless otherwise stated.

Normally, if you join a server that doesn't have rules posted, you assume it has basic rules unless otherwise stated.
There's no such thing as basic rules. Every server has very different rules.

Regulith killed me for no apparent reason

I killed you because you constantly came into my house uninvited after being told to stay out, got nosy around my valuables, and told me you'd kill me you tit

I killed you because you constantly came into my house uninvited after being told to stay out, got nosy around my valuables, and told me you'd kill me you tit
I came into your house twice. You killed me when I wasn't even in your house and wasn't coming back in. I never said I was going to kill you. I said I'd kill you if you tried to kill me.

I came into your house twice. You killed me when I wasn't even in your house and wasn't coming back in. I never said I was going to kill you. I said I'd kill you if you tried to kill me.

You came into my house a lot more than twice, and frankly I was fed up with you snooping around

I told you I would kill you if you intruded again, and yet you still came in at least once more because I guess that button was just that loving interesting and I had let you live at the time, so I fixed that

I'm tired of you and I'm tired of your bullstuff, go waste someone else's time