Author Topic: Blocks of War decals  (Read 3586 times)

BoW Decals
Blocks of War decals (GoW, Blockland style)

I made some new blocko style Marcus and Dom faces from GoW 2. Later updates of this will include the other characters such as the locusts and soldiers.


Download (Last Updated: Sat May 30, 2009 6:34 am)

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager

I thought you meant God of War. :c

Pretty good, you are making progress :D

Who is the first one?

Main charactor. Marcus Fenix

Main charactor. Marcus Fenix
Isn't the second one marcus?

Edit; yeah this is what I get when I google image "Gears of War Marcus"

Double edit;  Got this when I searched "Gears of War Characters"

Lol that's epic.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2009, 12:30:35 PM by jirue »

Very do-able for BL.
(from left to right, this pertains to faces)
1. Just ad oval shades to the smiley blonde.
2.Simple to do.
3.I think there already is a face like that.
4.Dito from 3.

Second one looks like marcus

Second one looks like marcus
It is, i'm more curious to know who the first one is D:

I want a pic to reference from D:

Im telling you Fenix is the main charactor you play as him and Dom(4) is his best friend and the 2

wow you guys are pretty stupid the second face he made is marcus look at his moustache on the chin does dom have one NO he doesn't! dom has wrap around hair
« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 06:40:45 PM by Marcus Fenix »

wow you guys are pretty stupid the second face he made is marcus look at his moustache on the chin does dom have one NO he doesn't! dom has wrap around hair
Hey tard, you can't have mustaches on your chin, and it isn't moustache.  And get a life, I was asking who the first one was, I didn't know, I knew the second one was Marcus.

And judging by your name, you need to get outside or play a different game.

First one's Dom, note the beard :P

First one's Dom, note the beard :P
I didn't know the name, thanks :D

Making Victor Hoffman and B. Carmine would be a good idea.