Author Topic: Left 4 Dead 2  (Read 10134 times)

It's just stupid. It's really ruining the original idea with daylight and this southern music (see promo videos in my link to leaked media) is stupid.

The new characters are a joke now, and setting any zombie you shoot on fire is just total bullstuff.

the white dude with the baseball hat



Raged for half an hour.

Remembered it's Valve.

Waiting for awesome.

Still raging that the girl is black.

This looks good.
Chainsaw anyone?
I don't know why you guys are pissed off.

Also, Youtube trailer.

I DO like how it's looking, but we weren't waiting for another L4D, we wanted more on HL2, or Portal. *Ahem*

It seems like if it were a carbon copy of the original one.

It's best that it should go on DLC. I don't see why people complain about the characters and walking in broad daylight, I mean, RE5 involved walking in daylight, no one complained about it.

I don't want them to cancel this because of other people.

Well I don't play RE5 >:(

Can't they just modify the current game engine at least?

This could be done in a third-party mod if you would just release the loving SDK already, Valve.

Also I hate the new HUD.

I hope they don't meet the target date and we get this in a year or two, because they really need to work on developing it more. To me it just looks like new models, weird looking health bars, a new map, and new bullet rounds/types.

Hey guys want to watch me get all the angry people excited

50 seconds in somebody gets Clean Kill.



Also I don't get melee weapons, pistols have unlimited ammo.

Please don't take my unlimited ammo valve :(

I hope they don't meet the target date and we get this in a year or two, because they really need to work on developing it more. To me it just looks like new models, weird looking health bars, a new map, and new bullet rounds/types.

Developers tend to edit most of that after they leak footage.

is there always 3 guys and a girl?

I can agree with melee weapons, but they seem ridiculously overpowered from the gameplay videos.