Author Topic: Left 4 Dead 2  (Read 10140 times)

A few things

1) I'm not sure about the characters. They just don't yell "RELOADING" affectionately enough. I think they should also allow you to be the original 4(total of 8)

2)Hopefully MANY more special infected. One more is not enough for a new game. Same goes for weapons(although it seems they have that covered, I'd still like a few more guns)

3)I need to get Miga's opinion.

TF2 is upgrading to the L4D engine, Their not releasing it as TF3

TF2 is upgrading to the L4D engine, They're not releasing it as TF3

Of course, but TF2 doesn't have the underlying AI director code to deal with.

At any rate, my most pressing concerns are the survivors. I really hope the original 4 are still around.

A few things

1) I'm not sure about the characters. They just don't yell "RELOADING" affectionately enough. I think they should also allow you to be the original 4(total of 8)

2)Hopefully MANY more special infected. One more is not enough for a new game. Same goes for weapons(although it seems they have that covered, I'd still like a few more guns)

3)I need to get Miga's opinion.
Someone start a thread or give ideas for new special infected.

If you look closely at the video, one of the zombies looks like Louis.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 08:50:08 PM by Harm94 »
All leaked media about L4D2, includes gameplay footage (and an ad for Overlord 2 :D).

Same thing...?

New charecters
New areas
New weapon(s)
possibly new zombies

Plus this isn't even finished yet, it might not come out till 2010 and that's a lot of time for improvement and change. something tells me you wouldn't be complaining if original survivors where used instead.

Funny how coach from L4D2, looks like this:

The bat sound is the same as in TF2.

Had a nice little conversation with kaphix about this...

Kaphix: i have to laugh at you for a moment
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: Alright. Why?
Kaphix: the enx.
Kaphix: *end
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: ive had l4d for a while :o
Kaphix: a month?
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: also; proof that l4d was announced
Kaphix: you didn't have it last time i was on
Kaphix: uh
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: l4d 2*
Kaphix: slow people don't watch e3
Kaphix: i don't feel like proving it to you
Kaphix: i'd rather you not believe me
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: i dont know what loving channel it was on
Kaphix: then find out
Kaphix: jesus
Kaphix: the people i know
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: oh okay, so im supposed to know that?
Kaphix: uh
Kaphix: yeah
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: ive never watched e3. ever.
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: or anything like that :o
Kaphix: does it suck being slow :(
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: no
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: no it doesnt
Kaphix: many things were announced today
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: i have other sources
Kaphix: do you have a 360?
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: Yes
Kaphix: then you missed brickstuffting
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: Hm?
Kaphix: full body motion control + gestures
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: k
Kaphix: wow
Kaphix: k.
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: like i have the god damn money to buy that stuff
Kaphix: i know
Kaphix: thats why its so funny
Kaphix: because you just got l4d
Kaphix: and in a few months everyone gets l4d2
Kaphix: and you play old game
Kaphix: :d
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: ive had l4d for a while now, you know...
Kaphix: it hasn't been more than a month
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: yes, it has
Kaphix: not much
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: k, what ever you say
Kaphix: i haven't been on steam in a month
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: oh well thats good
Kaphix: and last time i left your name said somebody buy me l4d
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: i dot have to listen to your stuff all the time if you sign out more
Dropshock - I BOUGHT L4D: dont*
Kaphix: hey it worked
Kaphix: goal was to piss you off
Kaphix: my work here is done
Kaphix is now Offline.
friend. :|
Also; he says in a couple of months. More like 6 :/
« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 09:13:36 PM by Dropshock »

Man, this doesn't seem real.

It's like... It's way too soon to make a sequel. They can still add more to the original.

A year after, is not too soon, remember, its valve.