Author Topic: Impostor; "SpaceGuy"  (Read 2701 times)

Earlier today, in my server, a person called "MasterOfSomethin" joined. He started going on about "will you be my friend" for one reason or another.
Space Guy: "is this the sort of friend where you start begging for admin"
MasterofSomethin: "nope i promise"
MasterofSomethin: "I just always wanted a popular friend!"
I repeatedly tell him 'no' because I've never heard of the guy and hardly believe him. He shuts up a while after that, until:
MasterofSomethin: "whats admin password"
Space Guy: "wait, didn't you just say [quotes from earlier]"
MasterofSomethin: "yeah"
Masterofsomethin has left the game.
Normally I'd ban the person for this sort of thing but he said he was new to the game a while before that so I left him. Until...
SpaceGuy connected.
SpaceGuy: "Hi"
Space Guy: "Hi, MasterOfSomethin"
SpaceGuy: "IM NOT HIM"
Space Guy: "what reason do you want to be banned for?" (I commonly ask this because it's funny)
SpaceGuy: "i wanna be banned for being a fake"

So I did.
Space Guy permanently banned SpaceGuy (ID: 12356) - "i wanna be banned for being a fake"

I don't know whether he's kept the name after that, but I'm just posting it here in case he tries anything...

Short Version: MasterOfSomethin ID 12356 may be going around as "SpaceGuy". Ban or do whatever.

Will ban him on sight.

If I see him on my server, I'll try and get him to change.

Some people...

I know how you feel, though.  Once after I had recently changed my name, I hosted a server, and in the server title was "Used to be [old username]"
Well, go figure, about five minutes later a guy comes in with my old username.
And it wasn't any of my friends' alternate keys. D:

I am the real space guy.

He's not really that bad...

I must say that I quite like his BLID.

I must say that I quite like his BLID.
Needs a 4...

I am the real space guy.
Nuh-uh, proof it, foo >:o

Will keep my Eyes finding him.

No, I'm Space Guy!

I wonder if the guy who joined my server a while ago was you...

Nivek's Funtastic Freebuild, ring a bell?

Not recently.

Enable showing of BL_IDs in Advanced Options. My ID is 130. His is 12356.