Author Topic: Ace's Arceos RPG  (Read 7578 times)


Arceos: Exploration RPG

Recently, I've been hard at work creating an exploration RPG. I've been hosting it publicly during construction and so far the reception has been nothing but positive. I finished it last night, so I feel it's time to post it in here to show everyone what I've been up to.

Arceos is basically the name of the group of islands in the sky. It's technically seen as a nation, I suppose. In the beginning, you find yourself waking up in a small gazebo-ish structure on a small island named Sanctuary Point. The main goal is basically to find out why these islands exist the way they do, and what happened to the planet they were originally a part of. You do this by clicking around, finding clues, items, and other things to advance through each area. When you complete the tasks provided on one island, you are able to move onto the next via a flying ship.

Enough talking, though. Here are some screenshots showing basically the bulk of the thing.

The RPG is hosted whenever I feel like it, basically.

Some trailers
Trailer 1
Trailer 2

Although not required, it would be an advantage to have this map:
Laremere's Skylands

Even though I did the bulk of the work, like the events and most of the building, I still could not have completely done this without a nice group of people supporting it. There were a few who even helped with building certain details and such. Those people are listed here:

Melting Plastic
El Dorito
And many, many beta testers.

Now I'm almost certain I forgot a good amount of people who helped out. If I did, let me know.
Feel free to rate/comment/whatever. Let me know what you think, and be sure to stop by and try it out for yourself!

NOTE: If you should come to test it, be sure that you have download sounds turned on. There are numerous custom sounds that I put together solely for this RPG, so there is a 110% chance that you do not have them, unless you've already stopped by.

Do not ask for a download link. It will not happen.

One more thing. Please note that I do not take kindly to theft. If I find that you've stolen all or some of this build, you will no longer be welcome in my server, and you'll find yourself a permanent spot on my blacklist.

SERVER STATUS (Provided I'm not hosting something else.)
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 09:17:28 PM by Ace »

Could you post dl link for when the server isnt up? Or have people stopped posting links because of the idiotic noobs who steal builds.


No, there will never be a download link. It contains custom emitters and sounds, not to mention a custom colorset. Plus, I don't want anyone else hosting this, because nobody else would be able to do it right.

M'kay, I'll just get on the server =D

Looks hot :O

I like the idea, too.

This is awesome, Ace. It boggles my mind.

I might join later to take a break from my FutureRPG that I'm making.
I have time for that one, anyway.

Fun stuff. I finished it rather quickly, but this was one of the best RPGs I've ever played.

I helped a bit while you were thinking up the map room and such.  Good work - best thing ive seen in blockland yet.

*nick falls out of his chair*

Damn, it closed. Almost finished it too :/


Apologies, my computer appeared to have devoured itself when I got back, so I'll have the server back up shortly.

You forgot about me with the tomatoes. </3