Author Topic: Lyrical G - The Forum Gangsta!  (Read 7816 times)

Lyrical G; So black he can't call himself black.
stuff fool i aint black

stuff fool i aint black

You've tried to convince everyone you are:

um dude im brown and 13 fyi
uhhh no
look carefully
i am brown
wha the hell?
oh well
im just a brown person playin blockland

No, you're not. You call everyone else out for grammar and spelling mistakes, like most idiots, when you can barely form your own damn sentence.

If he were different from "idiots", he would be considered a handicap.

Right then. Allow me to fetch something...
Ok... And Btw, you're not Brown or Black. So shut up. And your "GF" is a fake. cigarette.


*Grammar national socialist Alert*
Lyrical, improve your stuffty grammar and maybe people might respect you more.
Because, you make me sick with your stuffty typing skills.
*Grammar national socialist Raid Over*

Anyway, after acting like a Grammar national socialist, I can finely tell you something of more importance.
1. You're a friend. Not a gangster. Now knock it off.
2. Your MySpace whore is probably some bitch you got a picture of on Google.
3. Your reputation is forgeted.
4. Stop posting, only post if your going to post something thats actually logical. Or make Regulith laugh.
5. Not only are you a friend. You're also a loving handicap.
6. Stop loving acting tough friend. It's not working handicap. Now stop.

Now that I have given you 6 main reasons why I and/or this Community hates you, I hope I have sent a clear loving message to you. "Stop posting and get out"


So, I heard that black people know about the internet?

Why is it that because one person here like Lyrical G does something like this, everyone suddenly turns into tribals?

Also, that is a dismissive statement.

Why is it that because one person here like Lyrical G does something like this, everyone suddenly turns into tribals?

Also, that is a dismissive statement.
oh stuff nocturni
yu said tha damn truth

Wow, that picture of Lyrical G seriously made me laugh. Are you honestly trying to look tough, cool, or "gangsta"?

I hope you answered no to all 3 of those, because pulling your shirt over your face and surrounding yourself with baby pictures does not fit any of those categories.

Also, stop talking like an idiot. It is just pulling any possible reputation you have here further down a hole.

He looks more like a Hindu than an African American to me.

His email is masked-paki. :/

Why is it that because one person here like Lyrical G does something like this, everyone suddenly turns into tribals?

Also, that is a dismissive statement.
Not really offensive to me. He's really acting like the "gangster black person".

achievement unlocked:grammer whore

Achievement unlocked: spell check PhaiL

He looks more like a Hindu than an African American to me.
Looks like a deep spray tan, really. My aunt gets a really bad one, and she almost ends up looking black.

According to his e-mail or hotmail account, he has Pakistani roots.