Author Topic: USS Enterprise build, the saratoga class carrier from WWII  (Read 4922 times)

this is the uss enterprise [not from start trek] from WWII its an aircraft carrier. the interroir isnt very good but please no flaming, i worked hard on the bow. this took a while to make and i hope you like it.  :cookie: s are accepted lol. and heres link: also, heres pic: hope you like! also, requeried to be loaded in only slate oceania pacific:
« Last Edit: June 15, 2009, 03:44:40 PM by Mr. T_T »

It would be awesome to build a full scale star-trek one in BL...

It would be awesome to build a full scale star-trek one in BL...
i did build a start trek one [some of its credit goes to leapord]

I'm pretty sure the Enterprise wasn't green.

I'm pretty sure the Enterprise wasn't green.
i build everything in green cause its my fav color, also go ahead and re-paint it when download

I'm sorry, but the visible section does not look correct to me.

At all.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2009, 04:11:48 PM by RMS Gigantic »

Wow, Uhm. What can I say? This is, uh. Mhm, how do I put this delicately.... I can't, This sucks.

It would be awesome to build a full scale star-trek one in BL...
forget, now I have to reveal my project so I seem original. :(

Its a green rectangle with a box on it...

Wow, Uhm. What can I say? This is, uh. Mhm, how do I put this delicately.... I can't, This sucks.

That's what I was about to say. D:

Practice building.

A lot.