Author Topic: Taking song reqests  (Read 2516 times)

i am takeing song reqests,a can do (i think) any song u want but i may not even make a song cuz i am new to Wavepad and only did these 3 songs (pac man,TetrisTechno and System of a down-legend of zelda theme). ill be playing NES in the meanwhile :nes:

oh yeah and give me a link so i can get the song

Im just a kid plz. If you do i have 1,000,000  :cookie:
Here link

Uuuuuuh...... Uuuuuum... Can u do Funhouse by P!nk?

Can you loop the chorus please?


Failure, he's obviously not doing them so why did you bump this?

can you plz make Dreamnation's Daggmask a music file?

here is link


can you do watcha say by Jason Derulo?

here be ze link

make it 0:08 - 1:04 plz


Its called "Do it yourself bitches!"
No realy do it yourself