Author Topic: a blockland pay card.  (Read 1161 times)

IM 28

That's a little hard to believe.

Well then good luck with that.

That's a little hard to believe.

Well then good luck with that.

Ok hard to beleive considering that most the people who play this are 8-13.....Good luck is on my side I'm in collage...

Ok hard to beleive considering that most the people who play this are 8-13.....Good luck is on my side I'm in collage...

A. You spelled "college" wrong. I doubt you're in it.
B. Most people aren't in college when they're 28, unless they took it later than right after high school.
C. This entire sentence is incoherent.

A. You spelled "college" wrong. I doubt you're in it.
B. Most people aren't in college when they're 28, unless they took it later than right after high school.
C. This entire sentence is incoherent.

I type fast..........I win

I type fast..........I win

No, you don't "win".

Prove to me you're in college and/or that you're 28.

How... well i went to Oliver Wolcott Tech. in torrington CT
im in ITT tech college of criminal justice

it takes 2 months to mail an envelope? bullstuff
i dont think it would take more then 14 business days to mail a letter to anywhere in the world.

1: Take picture of self holding a sign that says "Hello there, Blockland :D"
2: Send it to me in a PM.
3: This derailment conversation is over. This will continue in Private messages.

Carry on.

it takes 2 months to mail an envelope? bullstuff
i dont think it would take more then 14 business days to mail a letter to anywhere in the world.

it did