Author Topic: THE END OF THE WORLD  (Read 11270 times)

All I'm saying is to live life with an open mind and love people. That's what I've been trying to do, and that's what I'll continue to do. Plus, that philosophy lines up with my beliefs.

Okay then, what is your religion?

And I was not expecting to you assume that I was an expert on the subject, I wanted to make it clear I had strong feelings about it.

Okay then, what is your religion?

And I was not expecting to you assume that I was an expert on the subject, I wanted to make it clear I had strong feelings about it.
Yes, I believe in god, but I am not all that observant. I believe that man's interpretation of god's word has become seriously flawed and misconceived to the point where I don't follow a true mainstream church, although a fellow by the name of Joel Osteen has it as close as I can accept it for a form of truth.

An example of my thoughts on the misinterpretations are as follows. The bible states the Earth was created in 6 days. Man has done tests to show it's been more like 6 billion years. God is eternal, so why would he need to work on a basis of time if he's always around and always there? Who is to say that 6 days of "god time doesn't equal 6 billion years? No one knows really. It's just human arrogance to assume god works on rules set by man and it's human error to think that god is flawed based on a book written by people who thought they knew what he was saying.

Confusing? Yeah, a little, but as I said, God is god, he'll always be there. I had a fallout and stopped believing for a while, myself. I blamed him, people and life for all the problems that I've encountered and it never made me any happier. But now, I'm back in and things have been going great for me once I took responsibility for my own problems.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2009, 10:55:32 PM by Rughugger »

I guess I could be a bit more clear about what I believe by posting lyrics of one of my favorite bands (I suggest at least reading Barbarian and Consumer if nothing else):

1. Your Little Suburbia Is In Ruins

Open those eyes.
Wake from peace.
Orders are some favorite color.
Same old same old is their battle cry.
Why don't we keep searching for a new flavor?
Our hearts have become a routine.
Worthy kings have broken backs for nothing.
Unless we cherish all with pride,
the lines on our face will turn into canyons of sorrow instead of hope.
They didn't die from the cold without but they died from the cold within.
And I just can't stop denying that our brothers are in miserable pain.
Stop short.
Lend a hand and break the chains of regularity that you lean so closely upon.
Your little Suburbia is in ruins.
Tear down all the assumptions you hold, for I guarantee they are false.
Sometimes the best feeling may be the one that kills.

2. Speech Impediment

Your due date is up.
Don't make comments on irrelevant subjects.
There is a man who seeks his own happiness,
and his smile is warmer than five of yours.
You keep singing to a tasteless song.
He whistles to a song of hope.
A night of foolish chatter is easily replaced by a couple bold statements.
Few words are gold, and living is offensive in itself.
Your shallow ideals are about as useless as the gnats in my eyes.
Wake up.
Put your heart where your mouth is.

3. Endorphins

Just take it in stride.
One breath and I think I feel free.
All we can do is strive for the best thoughts,
the best feelings, the "warm fuzzy" feeling.
As a child, I believed these all came to me due to the process of living.
Grab the wheel right now, and make this life yours.
Walk with me.
Leave your disgusting fever.
Take this life - make it yours.
Forgotten are the days of wandering pointlessly in my dreams.
Carry me with your wings.

4. Too Late For Roses

Some kind of friction has scarred me, but created your new style.
My reasons to endure used to be based around who you were,
and your brilliant passion that could blaze right in front of a perfect stranger.
This is my downfall - my blemish, I've been told before.
Quit holding on to what she was.
She doesn't recognize you or herself anymore.
She's stuck in the process of embracing what crumbles,
and when it happens there will be no apologies.
She chose to collapse what held her,
and if not cautious there may never be a cradle to soften her descent, like clouds.
New shapes are taken, but they're not always actual, they're never tangible.
It's so brutal to see someone give it all up for nothing,
and having no power to stop them.

5. Barbarian

Chaos brings order.
Who will you allow to lead you blindly until the end?
You're like a little girl with a stupid crush.
We all sing glory.
We all choke ourselves with our own ignorance.
There is so much more to life than your stupid desires.
Nothing is everything, and everything is something.
Confused? Troubled?
Finding the meaning is looking through the vivid transparencies.
Dance the night away because tomorrow,
we will look back and talk about good times now gone forever.
Trace lines around the image of your choice.
Dance until the end, my friend, and find joy in every living thing.
Optimism is not a choice, it's a belief.

6. The Reflective Property

Soft memories of a life well lived.
I'm thinking back and loving every moment I had.
This dull feeling is working through me, and every waking moment is more static.
As I step onto my porch of reflection, a brief wind of warmth is swept through me.
We succeed in order to bring forth order in our lives.
You have all felt it - the emptiness of being alone.
Zoloft will not cure it, human touch will not solve it.
This black, cold world is potent.
Please bless the children, please heal their cries.
A sweet sound is heard in my waking life.
Tremors of anguish ripple through visions and dreams.
Cries heal a starving nation facing death and destruction.

7. A Wish Full Of Dreams

Do I dare question it?
This world is ending with countless years of false doubting.
Let's get up and arise.
Your dreams are long gone.
Now you told me to never hold back mercy.
So, this is now evolving into your own interpretation.
Let's just call this fair play.
Slice them off, and restore the foundation.
We must begin the downfall of their branches.
We are always too quick to point the finger on our closest companions.
Fly away into a dream full of hope,
soar above the branches and into the faraway stars.

8. Consumer

A front seat to your own flick,
if only you could see how much your emotions waver.
Words are flowing from your mouth at lightning speed.
They're packing heat and are ready to kill.
Cry, frown, hit, yell.
Let's watch where it takes you.
You really don't have it that bad.
Try looking through the glass of beauty.
It will show you the truth.
We are all guilty of self-centeredness.
We have committed the crime,
but what we fail to realize is the dent it leaves in our soul.
Everyone is full of it in their own way.
A young boy cannot comprehend social status,
and this boy is better off than any of us.
Life will pass by us like a summer storm,
and if we consume ourselves with ourselves,
we will surely look back with sorrow.

9. A Shot Below The Belt

Don't you understand me?
This cloud over my head is not okay.
There are things that I need to get done.
The burden I have been carrying is not my idea of fun,
and it doesn't give you permission to take a shot below the belt.
We have so little time, let's not spend it in anger.
I am in the deep end and can't find air.
I am throwing punches with a blindfold on.
Stop riding my tail with your high beams on, because I may just brake suddenly.
I would rather not explode - that's your job.
I'm stuck in between two worlds in a maze of dreams and thoughts.
What a bittersweet symphony life is,
but I wouldn't have it any other way.

10. Eve Of The End


11. The Seventh Annoying Orangeet

I can no longer tell the days from the nights.
The moon glows an eerie red and I could swear it was covered in blood.
Something big is going to happen
something so big it could forever change the world.
What have you all done?
What have you all become?
A people more concerned with the temporary pleasures of this world
rather than your own eternal salvation?
I am now convinced that this is the end.
As I raise my head towards the heavens
to take one last look at the moon, the stars begin to fall.

Rughugger, whether you like it or not, your whole belief of God stems from what others have believed in the past. If you were totally isolated from civilization for your whole life, you would have come up with your own ideas for the creation of the universe.

Wouldn't the atomoshpere melt the metoreor, metoror whatever.

If you were totally isolated from civilization for your whole life, you would have come up with your own ideas for the creation of the universe.

Not nessisarily. You could go your whole life not wondering a thing. You would just know you've always been there. By yourself. Why would you even ponder such a question. This leads me to believe that we got the idea that there was a beginning from something other than ourselves. Sorry if this isn't clear. As I stated before, I'm horrible at puting my thoughts into words.

Wouldn't the atomoshpere melt the metoreor, metoror whatever.

Not if it was big enough.

Rughugger, whether you like it or not, your whole belief of God stems from what others have believed in the past. If you were totally isolated from civilization for your whole life, you would have come up with your own ideas for the creation of the universe.
The same is said for your beliefs as well. Whether or not I choose to believe in God isn't really up to you, nor do I care to convert you, which is why I haven't pushed any of that stuff on you in the first place, so your assumption about all religious people is in itself is flawed and should be re-evaluated. Just be satisfied that I'm taking the high road and trying to help you understand what I'm thinking rather than just to continue bashing you.

My whole argument for this thread was simply that there is no more evidence for religion Vs. scientists to prove that either is completely true short of actually building a time machine and going back to find out for sure. Until then, everything is mere speculation and is subject to human interpretation which, as a lot of literature has proven, is filled with misconceptions and erroneous judgments all based on bad translations and things people decided was wrong and changed to make more sense to them. Nothing more.

2012. The world isnt ending. Get over it. No further conversations are required

Even Darwin denied his only theories at one point.
Let me just step in and say that no, that is bullstuff. The "Darwin Denied Evolution" story was fabricated by a nun named Lady Hope. Even Darwin's family, who were by him on his deathbed, denied she had ever met with him.

But you see, my beliefs are based on the search for knowledge. Just because people believe something is not enough for me to believe it. I look at evidence, spending much of my life watching documentaries and reading books about such things. My conclusions are the same as the people who first hypothesized such major theories as the big bang and evolution. There is a lot more evidence for Science than you credit it, and that is either denial or ignorance. I am not trying to insult you right now, but look into the proof of the big bang and evolution, and you'll see what I mean. There is far less evidence of creation.

I've seen the proof and I'm not convinced no matter how much proof one shoves into my face. As soon as a real life video pops up showing exactly how the universe was created or shows the process of evolution happens, then I can confirm it as full truth. But the fact is that it's neither denial nor ignorance. I didn't say it didn't happen because there is no proof showing that it has. For all we know, a cosmic muffin could have shaken it's sprinkles out and formed the stars. It's just as valid as anything else people have come up with. I take no offense to what you say, I'm just saying that as close as we come to understanding our origins, we will never truly know and will always be in the search for how it happened. One time, it was god, now it's the big bang, next you know, everyone will be applauding the theory of that aforementioned cosmic muffin or alien race that pops by to admit that they had a good hand in it.

But by logical standards, scientific evidence is the most believable. If you are so cavalier about your religion, why be a Christian and believe in God? If you say it is possible that you are wrong, why believe in anything? Why not search for the truth, instead of believing. That's what science is about.

another metor that god said would blow up the earth
wasn't that a scientist in washington that said that?

But by logical standards, scientific evidence is the most believable. If you are so cavalier about your religion, why be a Christian and believe in God? If you say it is possible that you are wrong, why believe in anything? Why not search for the truth, instead of believing. That's what science is about.
Because having an open mind means you're open to new ideas, not shutting out things other people believe. I have a firm belief in god and no one has proven to me he doesn't. No one can. I also believe in a lot science has actually proven, just not the Big bang despite it being the most likely scenario. To accept one has faults and in effect might be wrong is to be human. But to say one's belief is a fault is simply wrong. I never directly stated you were wrong for your belief. I said I didn't believe because I haven't seen the evidence I need to believe it.