Author Topic: THE END OF THE WORLD  (Read 11272 times)

We'll all die eventually  :cookieMonster:

Remember kids, Your getting closer to death every second!  :cookieMonster:

MORE ENDS OF THE WORLD EH!? Rediculous. We died enough times as it is.

You can't imagine death because when your dead you can't see think or anything

So it's like the feeling before you were born?

And why the hell did you say poor little Christian? That does not make you a superior being, there can be anything after everything, you haven't died yet so don't bother to answer by telling me stuff.
I can be wrong and you can be wrong too, we are humans and the definision of a human is "mistake"

You didn't have any feelings before you were born. I am condescending towards you because you ignore evidence and instead resort silly beliefs to make you feel better. Also, it's spelled "definition". Nice mistake.  :cookieMonster:

Also, the definition of human is NOT mistake, I think you mean where the word came from. Sadly, you are mistaken anyway. "Human" does not arise from a word that means mistake.

So yeah, you're pretty much wrong about everything.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2009, 08:03:53 PM by Inv3rted »

You didn't have any feelings before you were born. I am condescending towards you because you ignore evidence for silly beliefs to make you fell better. Also, it's spelled "definition". Nice mistake.  :cookieMonster:

Also, the definition of human is NOT mistake, I think you mean where the word came from. Sadly, you are mistaken anyway. "Human" does not arise from a word that means mistake.

So yeah, you're pretty much wrong about everything.
Inverted has gained +20 respect
LEVEL UP.lvl 23!

All I can say is that humans are not perfect.

         The end

Now back to the handicapped apocalypse

its in the bible so it WILL happen AHHHHH!H!H!H!H!HH!H!
You idiot.

gah, look at this.
1000x60x60x24x365x4.5 billion
that goes from milliseconds to the age of the universe. the answer is how many chances we've had to end the world. if it didn't end any of those times, why should it start ending in 2012?

We have earth years, but what is a universe year?

E-maxx wins the word for
"Most handicapped Person"
"Most Gullible Person"
"Most Likely to try to back the stupid things he believes in a book like the Bible which does not"
"Most handicapped Person to think he's a Christian" and
"Best way to give Christians a bad name"

Most of the rest of you get the award for
"Group of people to falsely think that E-maxx is a standard for what other Christians believe and act like"
"Most Hypocritical/Uninformed Group"
"Group Most Likely to not care whether E-maxx is a true representation of a belief or not and use his pathetic example to bash all Christians" and
"Group of people most likely to use false stereotypes as their straw man"
You've also gained acceptance into the "Debate Is Already Over Club, let's say we have evidence without showing any and walk away".


If I do live to see the apocalypse, I'll be playing this full blast while killing whatever it is that's killing us :D Unless it's a virus, but that would be a pretty anti climactic apocalypse

Remember kids, Your getting closer to death every second!  :cookieMonster:
I like to think I won't die, to avoid actually thinking about what will happen after death.

I don't care to die. It will happen.
Maybe tomorrow when I drive to school by bike?
I could also die due aids that I don't have or maybe there's a biochemical bomb exploding near my house with things that will eat me, from inside out.

If I do live to see the apocalypse, I'll be playing this full blast while killing whatever it is that's killing us :D Unless it's a virus, but that would be a pretty anti climactic apocalypse
I guess you can kill virus's using a micro-mini-remote-controlled-robot-thing in your blood that kills the virus cells