
Rocks are:

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loving delicious
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Author Topic: .  (Read 115590 times)

Random clan thread is random.

So I've been workin' on a UI mod - credit to Svenne for his fantastic Blockland Aero UI replacement. I just made it... a little loveier. Maybe. Well, that's all opinion, and my opinion is that it is more lovey than 85% of all the research on the internet.

And as Amade said on his server,
Quote from: Amade Earlier Lol
pics or richards
, and as much as I love richards, I'll post some pics so you guys can give me some feedback.

Note that lovey console! And with multiline input too!
However, as GuiTextEditCtrls don't support multiline input at all, I used a GuiMLTextEditCtrl, meaning TorqueML tags will be parsed and you can do stupid things to it, but it's just your console anyway. The bigger problem is that the ML control doesn't support any kind of 'send' command like the standard one, so I just had to make it send when you press escape. I'll make a button, maybe, but it might look awkward and be awkward.
Then there's the buttons on the top. What are they?
Well, F5 is a little utility I whipped up in literally 15 seconds flat, called Rex. Rex basically takes a file (like you would enter into exec()) and checks if there's a zip of its path, discovers the zip for you if there is, then executes the file. Calling the function without a file will do it for the last one, which is what F5 does - by default, it's the client.cs of the UI mod so I can easily re-execute it.
Then the Trace button is a toggle (for trace() - makes things easier)
And Multiline is a toggle button for the multiline input box. The whole console window is also movable and resizable with no real problems.
Oh, and holding the console key for a second when opening it scrolls to the bottom, as does clicking the little button under the scroll down button, since I often forget to scroll back down after going back to look at some trace output.

A quick demonstration of how the player list looks. Since Badspot used colored blockers over the buttons instead of just making the buttons inactive if they couldn't be used, I had to make a hack (a rather disgusting one, it could even be worse than the mover buttons in EventsGUI+) to make it do that. But I'm yet to have an issue with said hack aside from implementing it.

And here's a shot of the Brick Selector. I've removed half the images in this thing and made it very, very minimal, and I personally love the change to death.
I had to register a Photobucket account just to upload these, as my usual upload service has died horribly.

Oh, and I've also had an idea for a UI modification support module to avoid the whole 'replace base/client/ui/ with this' thing - stay tuned, it may not be far off if I happen to work hard. There's a couple of flaws with my idea as it stands now, but I'm pretty sure I can pull it off and even make it pretty easy to use.
Edit: Upon reconsideration of that idea, having to toy with that many objects data seems like a worse solution than replacing the ui folder. Going through every object in the GuiDataGroup and changing it if needed, then every object in the GuiGroup itself and every object on every object on every recursing loving object in that group... well.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 03:24:15 AM by M »

Hey spock, do you still have that admin control booth? I want to take a look at some of the events.

Com: Yep, I do.

Clocky: Really great work, Clock. I want that.

Clock, I love you. Can't wait for that. Super lovey.

Hugums has rejoined Craftsmen. My server's up.