Author Topic: Dem Kids Sure is Gettin Rowdy  (Read 23210 times)

Didnt you say that a couple weeks back "mayn".

Im still a kid but in fourth grade i spelled forget on my DS

forgetin' new signature.

Hello! I'm Lyical G, the friendly forum gangsta!

/casper reference

Look mother****ers

Today i i had to bury my niece and im not lying

so if you can't respect that

then to hell with you

Anyone have a shovel? I'm kinda frisky.

I stole my friend's cookie.
He was like "Wheres ma cookeh!!" So i said "Its in my poo" and he was like o.O
aslo this teacher said to me get out of the room and i said why. The teacher was like BLAGAGAGA at me and so i said Ok, Ok, keep your hair on.
When the teacher shouted at me her hair was bobing up and down. XD

Call my cat fat. Then again we all joke about it.

when my dad his college group over i got stripped down to my underwear and ran out yelling I GOT FIRE IN MY PANTS!

stuff in a ground-hog hole out by the road at our old house before

I peed in the sink.

Beat dat :3