Author Topic: George - THIS IS NOT A SCAT special interest ARGUMENT AT LEAST IT SHOULDN'T BE  (Read 9860 times)

you've never tried it? its such a thrill! let me mail you some of my poop!


Excuse me kind sirs, My dog likes to eat cat poop.
May he join this fine club?

I am actually an albino rhino slash catfish poop hybrid.

You really are trying too hard. Let me elaborate.

Outlined in red is the supposed "snake", actually a hip, that you of all people see. Take note that no one else believes that that is a snake, and that this image has been posted before without any consequences. Outlined in green is the adjacent hip. If you still believe that the former of the two lines is a snake, something may be wrong.
He can't draw, he draws "anthro-" stuff, so he has no clue of ANATOMY. To top it all off he's handicapped and couldn't function in society without whoring attention.

No really, do report it. I want to get banned for your lack of understanding of the human body.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 01:27:10 PM by Ronin »


forget. This got posted already :<

He can't draw, he draws "anthro-" stuff, so he has no clue of ANATOMY. To top it all off he's handicapped and couldn't function in society without whoring attention.

No really, do report it. I want to get banned for your lack of understanding of the human body.

God damnit you must be loving blind.

a hip isnt on your leg

its a skeleton so its shaped like a pelvis, which is what is hilighted in red and green

a hip isnt on your leg

its a skeleton so its shaped like a pelvis, which is what is hilighted in red and green
The illusive gastrocnemius phallus.

God damnit you must be loving blind.

God damnit you must be loving handicapped.

Ronin: he really wants to find a snake on a vaporizing furry
Otis Da HousKat: hahaha

To me it looks like a spinal cord or small detail on intestines.

Even if that artist had a seizure and made that a "snake", then that would be a gigantic hard on.

Even if that artist had a seizure and made that a "snake", then that would be a gigantic hard on.
Too big for a furry.

I'm really curious how I'm wrong, JD.

Please tell me about any courses you've taken that covered Anatomy and Physiology as a major staple of college accredited science courses. Then tell me how I'm wrong.

its a skeleton so it wont have any skin