Author Topic: JD  (Read 12460 times)

Come on, guys. Can we please just leave this topic to rest in peace? Opinions are opinions but I THINK YOUR OPINION IS WRONG AND MINE IS CORRECT BECAUSE IT IS.

Communism; Everyone is equal. But some people are more equal.


Apperently, you never read the whole thing.
Nice one. Taking my statement/insult, and then saying I didn't read the whole thing. Only because you cant come up with one yourself. Shows how much more of an idiot you are.

And if that was an attempt at saying 'you're an idiot' it was pathetic.
That again, shows how much more of an idiot you are.

Oh wow. Almost perfect comment time. Nice job!

** Hi-Five! **

Nice one. Taking my statement/insult, and then saying I didn't read the whole thing. Only because you cant come up with one yourself. Shows how much more of an idiot you are.

And if that was an attempt at saying 'you're an idiot' it was pathetic.
That again, shows how much more of an idiot you are.

Oh wow.
You take my rant and re-word it to your liking to insult me. Pathetic.
Cant you think up your own rants? Doesn't seem like it.
Looks like you're losing. Better get your act straight before you lose.

Look you ignorant fool, I have to go now, I need some shut eye, I'll leave you to drown in your own little sea of hypocrisy like the little babbling idiot you are. And while your at it, don't let the sharks bite.

Oh wow.
You take my rant and re-word it to your liking to insult me. Pathetic.
Cant you think up your own rants? Doesn't seem like it.
Looks like you're losing. Better get your act straight before you lose.

Look you ignorant fool, I have to go now, I need some shut eye, I'll leave you to drown in your own little sea of hypocrisy like the little babbling idiot you are. And while your at it, don't let the sharks bite.
Haha, do you know what's pathetic? You trying so hard to try and outwit me. I don't need to insult you. You're doing a mighty fine job of making yourself look like an idiot WITHOUT my assistance.

Haha, do you know what's pathetic? You trying so hard to try and outwit me. I don't need to insult you. You're doing a mighty fine job of making yourself look like an idiot WITHOUT my assistance.
Oh god the irony.

Oh god the irony.

I know. Now I shall resume staring into your avatar.

I know. Now I shall resume staring into your avatar.
It's only funny because since my comp's always got like, 50 programs running at once it doesn't flash fast enough to enduce a seizure.
However, if there was say, someone who got an epic computer and stared into it, they'd have a pret-tay high chance of getting one ;D
Karma is a bitch.

Look you ignorant fool, I have to go now, I need some shut eye, I'll leave you to drown in your own little sea of hypocrisy like the little babbling idiot you are. And while your at it, don't let the sharks bite.


It's only funny because since my comp's always got like, 50 programs running at once it doesn't flash fast enough to enduce a seizure.
However, if there was say, someone who got an epic computer and stared into it, they'd have a pret-tay high chance of getting one ;D
Karma is a bitch.
It will only go as fast as the framerate lets it, bucko.

Knaz if you had longer hair you'd look like a chick I went to art classes with.

You're an idiot for not even taking the time of thinking of one. All you did was reverse my insult. Once again, shows how stupid you are.
He never "reversed your insult". Maybe you should read his post again?
And, secondly, you didn't have to make a comeback, you could've ignored the whole post entirely and got on with your life, but no, you decided to be an idiot.
Making a comeback to a post does not make you an idiot (because if that was true then you'd be saying that you yourself are an idiot, and I don't think that's what you're going for. In any case your point is invalid.)
And the 3rd thing on my mind is, being a friend/douche bag/ect to "The right person" doesn't make you popular, just makes you seem like a douche to a lot of people, which ends up in people avoiding you because you sir, are a friend to this community.
Did he ever say that it made him popular? You people sure love to pull that card. Also, I'm sure that he's fully aware of any repercussions he may face due to his posts.
You don't set the benchmark for insults. You don't fit in the loving bill at all for popularity.
1. He never said that he set the benchmark for insults.
2. He never stated that he was popular. (nor does it matter)
3. He never stated that he was popular.
So quit using it as an arguement.
The only status you will be ever known as in this forum to me, is a arrogant cigarette, that thinks he knows everything.
But, thats the thing, YOU DONT.
I doubt he gives a forget about what you think of him, especially now after you've proven how incapable you are of forming a decent argument.
Now finely, ending my rant, please, get banned.
For what? Drama? pft.
Nice try at a rant.

It will only go as fast as the framerate lets it, bucko.
Lol, you should remember that I've dealt with .gifs for the past 4 years.
Due to the fact that this image is being hosted on a website, you have to recieve the info from the website first, thus those with faster processing+better internet connection see it as fast as it should go. (60 FPS)
Which, for me, it definately isn't.

Try spending less time with .gifs, and more time socialising. Maybe then you'll get somewhere.