-Stuffz with Coast Guard stuffs in it-
I like your thinking :D
REQUEST FOR THE FOLLOWING:GSF Ocean LinerGSF TankerGSF BattleshipGSF DestroyerGSF FrigateGSF Aircraft CarrierGSF HH-65 Dolphin (coast gurad heli)GSF Container ShipGSF SpeedBoatGSF SH-3 Seaking (another coast guard heli)GSF Coast guard Patrol BoatGSF Coast Guard RaftGSF Police Boat GSF FreighterGSF Pirate ShipGSF RowBoatthanks for making if so!-ttttttttt
I just got your PM, but I'll reply here. I can't keep making add-ons, I'm supposed to be leaving. But, I'll try to make a few more. It won't be hard for others to make boats though if they use my scripts.
I'm supposed to be leaving.
When are the other Add-ons coming out?
Spam alert from Qwa and joe
GSF Cargo Boat (last add-on)A boat you can walk on. Coming soon...