Author Topic: GSF Add-Ons [Carrier's Out!]  (Read 270035 times)

yes epicness in the compact size of a aircraft carrier

yes epicness in the compact size of a aircraft carrier
i call 90 :D And ghost? Wheres the Dead mini figs?

The aircraft carriers are stuff for 1 reason and 1 reason only, it's uv mapped. Thus when I paint it become 1 gigantic clusterforget of red.

Maybe edit the script yourself and make it so it is not paintable?Not meaning anything mean or bad just saying, Keep in mind guys you can also edit the steering a bit more, I do not think Ghost would mind you editing it a bit for your own private use, If he would diregard that all lol. I think Im going to take a look at it myself and make it a bit faster with slightly easier turning but you guys also have to keep in mind an Aircraft Carrier does not turn easy anyway.


I got a GREAT idea. GSF ghost, can you make a curise ship? with the same coding as the carrier, but in a cruise ship style.

Lol wut....

And GSF Thanks Alot for the Carrier :)

Sure, I'm glad it has been received so well.

Maybe edit the script yourself and make it so it is not paintable?Not meaning anything mean or bad just saying, Keep in mind guys you can also edit the steering a bit more, I do not think Ghost would mind you editing it a bit for your own private use, If he would diregard that all lol. I think Im going to take a look at it myself and make it a bit faster with slightly easier turning but you guys also have to keep in mind an Aircraft Carrier does not turn easy anyway.
yeah, anyone can alter it in-game, i.e. by typing "carriervehicle.forwardthurst=2000;" or carriervehicle2.drag=10;" etc. And the carrier is somewhat fast for it's size, the water datablock on the slate ocean maps slow it down because the viscosity is set to 30 or 40. I just released my GSF Ocean map which should be perfect for using the carrier on. Also, if you make the carrier faster or turn sharper, it'll just cause problems because of the mass - that's why I set the carriers to the current speed and turning radius.

I got a GREAT idea. GSF ghost, can you make a curise ship? with the same coding as the carrier, but in a cruise ship style.
I'm done making content sorry.

Sure, I'm glad it has been received so well.
yeah, anyone can alter it in-game, i.e. by typing "carriervehicle.forwardthurst=2000;" or carriervehicle2.drag=10;" etc. And the carrier is somewhat fast for it's size, the water datablock on the slate ocean maps slow it down because the viscosity is set to 30 or 40. I just released my GSF Ocean map which should be perfect for using the carrier on. Also, if you make the carrier faster or turn sharper, it'll just cause problems because of the mass - that's why I set the carriers to the current speed and turning radius.
I'm done making content sorry.
Ghost why didnt u answer?

I'm done making content sorry.
i know you said this before but i still cant believe it :(

carrier :o

but because its a vehicle, wont it get knocked far back like every other vehicle collision?

Ghost why didnt u answer?
Oh sorry, I just skimmed the topic. The dead mini-fig easter egg in San Andreas is explained in the government conspiracy easter egg in GSF Paradise lol.

carrier :o

but because its a vehicle, wont it get knocked far back like every other vehicle collision?
Not really, although it does glitch sometimes, I balanced the carrier to have as realistic collision as possible.

yeppers, though my idea still stands

:edit: hey iownu when is sever up?
Well, Your mods were perfection GSF, prolly the best add ons / maps ever, Farewell.....

I'm done posting here.

This topic is full of stuffty fan-boys.
Fire Paw, who the hell are you anyway?

[GSF]Ghosts, I'm done on your topics, I don't give a stuff about what you say next, or any of your little loving fans.  Don't even bother replying.  Why does everyone praise you like a god, anyway?

There are other vehicles better than these, and there is other maps.

At one point, I liked your maps and vehicles.
But Regulith slapped sence into me.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2009, 05:16:15 PM by trumpetfan »

I'm done posting here.

This topic is full of stuffty fan-boys.
Fire Paw, who the hell are you anyway?

[GSF]Ghosts, I'm done on your topics, I don't give a stuff about what you say next, or any of your little loving fans.  Why does everyone praise you like a god, anyway?

There are other vehicles better than these, and there is other maps.

At one point, I liked your maps and vehicles.
But Regulith slapped sence into me.

so you hate [GSF] because he makes good add ons/Maps and we think he's really cool for that, also we do know his vehicles aren't the only great ones its just he made a lot of ones that we liked

so you hate [GSF] because he makes good add ons/Maps and we think he's really cool for that, also we do know his vehicles aren't the only great ones its just he made a lot of ones that we liked
I need to tell you something, before leaving.

Ok, you think his stuff is good.

Not the best add-ons, but not the worst.

But why is this up here, in the top, if it's not the best add-ons in your guys eyes?
I never exactly said I hate [GSF], but I'm implying I don't like his maps and add-ons.

Maps:  I prefer to make the city, out of the bricks, hence the point of the game.
Add-ons:  Don't like the models very much, and they seem impossible to drive.

You guys treat him like a god, yet you think he's not the exact best.

I can read between the lines, he's almost all of yours favourite add-on maker, just for insanely pointless maps, just to look pretty, and his add-ons, which aren't good models.

[GSF], this comment was most likely to be criticism, improve your models.

For the last time, no one reply to me, because I will ignore you.
*Walks out the door.